Put Yourself in His Place eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 763 pages of information about Put Yourself in His Place.

Put Yourself in His Place eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 763 pages of information about Put Yourself in His Place.

“I sail for England in four days.  God help me to get over the interval.

“I forget whether I told you I had made my fortune.  Your devoted and most unhappy lover,


Grace managed to read this, in spite of the sobs and moans that shook her, and the film that half blinded her; and, when she had read it, sank heavily down, and sat all crushed together, with hands working like frenzy.

Jael kneeled beside her, and kissed and wept over her, unheeded.

Then Jael prayed aloud beside her, unheeded.

At last she spoke, looking straight before her, as if she was speaking to the wall.

“Bring my godfather here.”

“Won’t you see your father first?” said Jael, timidly.

“I have no father.  I want something I can lean on over the gulf—­a man of honor.  Fetch Mr. Raby to me.”

Jael kissed her tenderly, and wept over her once more a minute, then went softly down-stairs and straight into the breakfast-room.

Here, in the meantime, considerable amusement had been created by the contest between Lally and Jael Dence, the more so on account of the triumph achieved by the weaker vessel.

When Lally got up, and looked about him ruefully, great was the delight of the younger gentlemen.

When he walked in-doors, they chaffed him through an open window, and none of them noticed that the man was paler than even the rough usage he had received could account for.

This jocund spirit, however, was doomed to be short-lived.

Lally came into the room, looking pale and troubled, and whispered a word in his master’s ear; then retired, but left his master as pale as himself.

Coventry, seated at a distance from the window, had not seen the scrimmage outside, and Lally’s whispered information fell on him like a thunderbolt.

Mr. Beresford saw at once that something was wrong, and hinted as much to his neighbor.  It went like magic round the table, and there was an uneasy silence.

In the midst of this silence, mysterious sounds began to be heard in the bride’s chamber:  a faint scream; feet rushing across the floor; a sound as of some one sinking heavily on to a chair or couch.

Presently came a swift stamping that told a tale of female passion; and after that confused sounds that could not be interpreted through the ceiling, yet somehow the listeners felt they were unusual.  One or two attempted conversation, out of politeness; but it died away—­curiosity and uneasiness prevailed.

Lally put his head in at the door, and asked if the carriage was to be packed.

“Of course,” said Coventry; and soon the servants, male and female, were seen taking boxes out from the hall to the carriage.

Jael Dence walked into the room, and went to Mr. Raby.

“The bride desires to see you immediately, sir.”

Raby rose, and followed Jael out.

Project Gutenberg
Put Yourself in His Place from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.