White Lies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 452 pages of information about White Lies.

White Lies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 452 pages of information about White Lies.


“Hum! will you lend me your hand for a moment?”

“My hand! what for? there,” and she put it out an inch a minute.  He took it, and inspected it closely.

“A charming hand; the hand of a virtuous woman?”

“Yes,” said Josephine as cool as a cucumber, too sublimely and absurdly innocent even to blush.

“Is it your own?”

“Sir!” She blushed at that, I can tell you.

“Because if it was, I would ask you to give it me. (I’ve fired the first shot anyway.)”

Josephine whipped her hand off his palm, where it lay like cream spilt on a trencher.

“Ah!  I see; you are not free:  you have a lover.”

“No, no!” cried Josephine in distress; “I love nobody but my mother and sister:  I never shall.”

“Your mother,” cried Raynal; “that reminds me; he told me to ask her; by Jove, I think he told me to ask her first;” and Raynal up with his scabbard and was making off.

Josephine begged him to do nothing of the kind.

“I can save you the trouble,” said she.

“Ah, but my instructions! my instructions!” cried the military pedant, and ran off into the house, and left Josephine “planted there,” as they say in France.

Raynal demanded a private interview of the baroness so significantly and unceremoniously that Rose had no alternative but to retire, but not without a glance of defiance at the bear.  She ran straight, without her bonnet, into the Pleasaunce to slake her curiosity at Josephine.  That young lady was walking pensively, but turned at sight of Rose, and the sisters came together with a clash of tongues.

“O Rose! he has”—­


So nimbly does the female mind run on its little beaten tracks, that it took no more than those syllables for even these innocent young women to communicate that Raynal had popped.

Josephine apologized for this weakness in a hero.  “It wasn’t his fault,” said she.  “It is your Edouard who set him to do it.”

“My Edouard?  Don’t talk in that horrid way:  I have no Edouard.  You said ‘no’ of course.”

“Something of the kind.”

“What, did you not say ‘no’ plump?”

“I did not say it brutally, dear.”

“Josephine, you frighten me.  I know you can’t say ‘no’ to any one; and if you don’t say ‘no’ plump to such a man as this, you might as well say ‘yes.’”

“Well, love,” said Josephine, “you know our mother will relieve me of this; what a comfort to have a mother!”

They waited for Raynal’s departure, to go to the baroness.  They had to wait a long time.  Moreover, when he did leave the chateau he came straight into the Pleasaunce.  At sight of him Rose seized Josephine tight and bade her hold her tongue, as she could not say “no” plump to any one.  Josephine was far from raising any objection to the arrangement.

“Monsieur,” said Rose, before he could get a word out, “even if she had not declined, I could not consent.”

Project Gutenberg
White Lies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.