for wisdom, or for whose loss such universal regret
was felt. As from his death the greatest devastation
would shortly ensue, the heavens gave many evident
tokens of its approach; among other signs, the highest
pinnacle of the church of Santa Reparata was struck
with lightning, and great part of it thrown down,
to the terror and amazement of everyone. The
citizens and all the princes of Italy mourned for him,
and sent their ambassadors to Florence, to condole
with the city on the occasion; and the justness of
their grief was shortly after apparent; for being
deprived of his counsel, his survivors were unable
either to satisfy or restrain the ambition of Lodovico
Sforza, tutor to the duke of Milan; and hence, soon
after the death of Lorenzo, those evil plants began
to germinate, which in a little time ruined Italy,
and continue to keep her in desolation.