The Prophet of Berkeley Square eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 313 pages of information about The Prophet of Berkeley Square.

The Prophet of Berkeley Square eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 313 pages of information about The Prophet of Berkeley Square.

“I cannot think that prophecy is silly,” said the Prophet, with some stiffness.

She looked at him with frank admiration.

“You’re worse than I am!  It’s splendid!”


“Why, yes.  You’re foolish enough to think your silly acts sensible.  I wish I could get to that.  Then perhaps I could impose on Sir Tiglath more easily too.”

She considered this idea seriously, as they started on again, and gradually got free of the little crowd that had been sitting on the horse’s head.

“I must impose upon him,” she said.  “And you’ve got to help me.”

“I!” cried the Prophet, feeling terribly unequal to everything.  “I cannot possibly consent—­”

“Yes, dear Mr. Vivian, you can.  And if two thoroughly silly people can’t impose upon one sensible old man, it will be very strange indeed.  And now I’m going to tell you what I hadn’t time to tell you yesterday.”

She leaned forward and tapped sharply on the rattling glass in front of the cab.  The cabman, bending down, twisted his whiskers towards her.

“Don’t go too fast.”

“I can’t get ’im to fall down agyne, lydy.  ’E’s too tired.”

“I daresay.  But don’t let him walk quite so fast.”

She drew back.

“Mr. Vivian,” she said—­and the Prophet thought she had never looked more sensible than now, as she began this revelation—­“Mr. Vivian, among the silly people I have met in my dear double life, who do you think are the very silliest?”

“The anti-vaccinators?”

“No.  Besides, they so often have small-pox and become quite sensible.”

“The atheists?”

“I used to think so, but not now.  And most of those I knew are Roman Catholics at present.”

“The women who don’t desire to be slaves?”

“There aren’t any.”

“The tearers of Paderewski’s hair?”

“I so seldom meet them, because they all live out in the suburbs.”

“The tight-lacers?”

“They get red noses, poor things, and disappear.  They’re not permanent enough to count as the very silliest.”

“I give it up.”

“The Spiritualists and the Christian Scientists.  That’s why I love them best, and spend most of my double life with them.  How you would get on with them!  How much at ease you would be in their midst!”

“Really!  But aren’t they in opposite camps?”

“Dear things!  They often think so, I believe.  But really they aren’t. 
Half the Christian Scientists begin as Spiritualists.  And a great many
Spiritualists were once Christian Scientists.”

“Which are you?”

“Both, of course.”

“Dear me!”

Project Gutenberg
The Prophet of Berkeley Square from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.