Shavings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 470 pages of information about Shavings.

Shavings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 470 pages of information about Shavings.

Jed’s hand patted the knee sympathetically.

“Sho, sho, sho!” he exclaimed.  “Have you heard from him since?”

“No, I wrote him that I was paying as fast as I could and that if he communicated with my employers that would end any chances of his ever getting more.  He hasn’t written since; afraid of stopping the golden egg supply, I presume. . . .  But there,” he added, “that’s enough of that.  Jed, how could you do it—­just for me?  Of course I had come to realize that your heart was as big as a bushel basket, and that you and I were friends.  But when a fellow gives up four hundred dollars of his own money, and, not only does that, but deliberately confesses himself a thief—­when he does that to save some one else who, as he knew, had really been a thief and who he was pretty sure must have stolen again—­why, Jed, it is unbelievable.  Why did you do it?  What can I say to you?”

Jed held up a protesting hand.

“Don’t say anything,” he stammered.  “Don’t!  It’s—­it’s all foolishness, anyhow.”

“Foolishness!  It’s—­oh, I don’t know what it is!  And to sacrifice your reputation and your character and your friendship with Captain Hunniwell, all for me!  I can’t understand it.”

“Now—­now—­now, Charlie, don’t try to.  If I can’t understand myself more’n half the time, what’s the use of your strainin’ your brains?  I—­I just took a notion, that’s all.  I—­”

“But, Jed, why did you do it—­for me?  I have heard of men doing such things for—­for women, sacrificing themselves to save a woman they were in love with.  You read of that in books and—­yes, I think I can understand that.  But for you to do it—­for me!”

Jed waved both hands this time.  “Sshh! sshh!” he cried, in frantic protest.  His face was a brilliant crimson and his embarrassment and confusion were so acute as to be laughable, although Phillips was far from laughing.  “Sshh, sshh, Charlie,” pleaded Jed.  “You—­ you don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.  You’re makin’ an awful fuss about nothin’.  Sshh!  Yes, you are, too.  I didn’t have any notion of tellin’ Sam I stole that four hundred when I first gave it to him.  I was goin’ to tell him I found it, that’s all.  That would keep him bottled up, I figgered, and satisfied and then—­then you and I’d have a talk and I’d tell you what I’d done and—­well, some day maybe you could pay me back the money; don’t you see?  I do hope,” he added anxiously, “you won’t hold it against me, for thinkin’ maybe you had taken it.  Course I’d ought to have known better.  I would have known better if I’d been anybody but Shavin’s Winslow.  He ain’t responsible.”

“Hush, Jed, hush!  But why did you say you had—­kept it?”

Project Gutenberg
Shavings from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.