Shavings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 470 pages of information about Shavings.

Shavings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 470 pages of information about Shavings.

Jed changed the subject, or tried to change it.

“What’s the first one, Sam?” he hastened to ask.  His friend looked at him for an instant before he answered.

“The first one?” he repeated, slowly.  “Well, I’ll tell you, Jed.  The first one—­and the queerest of all—­is your findin’ that four hundred dollars.”

Jed was a good deal taken aback.  He had not expected an answer of that kind.  His embarrassment and confusion returned.

“Why—­why,” he stammered, “is—­is that funny, Sam?  I don’t—­I don’t know’s I get what you mean.  What’s—­what is there funny about my findin’ that money?”

The captain stepped across the shop, pulled forward a chair and seated himself.  Jed watched him anxiously.

“I—­I don’t see anything very funny about my findin’ that money, Sam,” he said, again.  Captain Sam grunted.

“Don’t you?” he asked.  “Well, maybe my sense of humor’s gettin’ cross-eyed or—­or somethin’.  I did think I could see somethin’ funny in it, but most likely I was mistaken.  Sit down, Jed, and tell me all about how you found it.”

Jed hesitated.  His hand moved slowly across his chin.

“Well, now, Sam,” he faltered, “there ain’t nothin’ to tell.  I just—­er—­found it, that’s all. . . .  Say, you ain’t seen that new gull vane of mine lately, have you?  I got her so she can flop her wings pretty good now.”

“Hang the gull vane!  I want to hear how you found that money.  Gracious king, man, you don’t expect I’m goin’ to take the gettin’ back of four hundred dollars as cool as if ’twas ten cents, do you?  Sit down and tell me about it.”

So Jed sat, not with eagerness, but more as if he could think of no excuse for refusing.  His companion tilted back in his chair, lit a cigar, and bade him heave ahead.

“Well,” began Jed, “I—­I—­you see, Sam, I happened to look behind that heap of boards there and—­”

“What made you think of lookin’ behind those boards?”

“Eh?  Why, nothin’ ’special.  I just happened to look.  That’s where your coat was, you know.  So I looked and—­and there ’twas.”

“I see.  There ’twas, eh?  Where?”

“Why—­why, behind the boards.  I told you that, you know.”

“Gracious king, course I know!  You’ve told me that no less than ten times.  But where was it?  On the boards?  On the floor?”

“Eh? . . .  Oh, . . . oh, seems to me ’twas on the floor.”

“Don’t you know ’twas on the floor?”

“Why . . . why, yes, sartin.”

“Then what made you say ‘seems as if’ it was there?”

“Oh, . . . oh, I don’t know.  Land sakes, Sam, what are you askin’ me all these questions for?”

“Just for fun, I guess.  I’m interested, naturally.  Tell me some more.  How was the money—­all together, or kind of scattered ’round?”

“Eh? . . .  Oh, all together.”

Project Gutenberg
Shavings from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.