Shavings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 470 pages of information about Shavings.

Shavings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 470 pages of information about Shavings.

Jed nodded.  “When they was at the piano together that time and Sam said somethin’ about their bein’ a fine-lookin’ couple?” he said.

“Why, yes, that was it.  Are you a mind reader, Jed?”

“No-o, I guess not.  But I saw you lookin’ kind of surprised and—­ er—­well, scared for a minute.  I was feelin’ the same way just then, so it didn’t need any mind reader to guess what had scared you.”

“I see.  But, oh, Jed, it is dreadful!  What shall we do?  What will become of us all?  And now, when I—­I had just begun to be happy, really happy.”

She caught her breath in a sob.  Jed instinctively stretched out his hand.

“But there,” she went on, hurriedly wiping her eyes, “I mustn’t do this.  This is no time for me to think of myself.  Jed, this mustn’t go any further.  He must not ask her to marry him; he must not think of such a thing.”

Jed sadly shook his head.  “I’m afraid you’re right,” he said.  “Not as things are now he surely mustn’t.  But—­but, Mrs. Ruth—­”

“Oh, don’t!” impatiently.  “Don’t use that silly ‘Mrs.’ any longer.  Aren’t you the—­the best friend I have in the world?  Do call me Ruth.”

If she had been looking at his face just then she might have seen—­ things.  But she was not looking.  There was an interval of silence before he spoke.

“Well, then—­er—­Ruth—­” he faltered.

“That’s right.  Go on.”

“I was just goin’ to ask you if you thought Charlie was cal’latin’ to ask her.  I ain’t so sure that he is.”

He told of Charles’ recent visit to the windmill shop and the young man’s query concerning the making of a decision.  She listened anxiously.

“But don’t you think that means that he was wondering whether or not he should ask her?” she said.

“No.  That is, I don’t think it’s sartin sure it means that.  I rather had the notion it might mean he was figgerin’ whether or not to go straight to Sam and make a clean breast of it.”

“You mean tell—­tell everything?”

“Yes, all about the—­the business at Middleford.  I do honestly believe that’s what the boy’s got on his mind to do.  It ain’t very surprisin’ that he backs and fills some before that mind’s made up.  See what it might mean to him:  it might mean the loss of his prospects here and his place in the bank and, more’n everything else, losin’ Maud.  It’s some decision to make.  If I had to make it I—­ Well, I don’t know.”

She put her hand to her eyes.  “The poor boy,” she said, under her breath.  “But, Jed, do you think that is the decision he referred to?  And why hasn’t he said a word to me, his own sister, about it?  I’m sure he loves me.”

“Sartin he does, and that’s just it, as I see it.  It ain’t his own hopes and prospects alone that are all wrapped up in this thing, it’s yours—­and Babbie’s.  He’s troubled about what’ll happen to you.  That’s why he hasn’t asked your advice, I believe.”

Project Gutenberg
Shavings from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.