Life on the Mississippi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 531 pages of information about Life on the Mississippi.

Life on the Mississippi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 531 pages of information about Life on the Mississippi.
1853 Southern Belle " " 20 3 1853 Princess (No. 4) " 20 26 1853 Eclipse " " 19 47 1855 Princess (New) " " 18 53 1855 Natchez (New) " " 17 30 1856 Princess (New) " " 17 30 1870 Natchez " " 17 17 1870 R. E. Lee " " 17 11

From new Orleans to Cairo—­1,024 miles

D.   H.   M.
1844 J. M. White  made the run in      3    6   44
1852 Reindeer       "     "            3   12   45
1853 Eclipse        "     "            3    4    4
1853 A. L. Shotwell "     "            3    3   40
1869 Dexter         "     "            3    6   20
1870 Natchez        "     "            3    4   34
1870 R. E. Lee      "     "            3    1

From new Orleans to Louisville—­1,440 miles

D.   H.   M.
1815 Enterprise   made the run in     25    2   40
1817 Washington     "     "           25
1817.  Shelby        "     "           20    4   20
1818 Paragon        "     "           18   10
1828 Tecumseh       "     "            8    4
1834 Tuscarora      "     "            7   16
1837 Gen. Brown     "     "            6   22
1837 Randolph       "     "            6   22
1837 Empress        "     "            6   17
1837 Sultana        "     "            6   15
1840 Ed. Shippen    "     "            5   14
1842 Belle of the West    "            6   14
1843 Duke of Orleans”     "            5   23
1844 Sultana        "     "            5   12
1849 Bostona        "     "            5    8
1851 Belle Key      "     "            3    4   23
1852 Reindeer       "     "            4   20   45
1852 Eclipse        "     "            4   19
1853 A. L. Shotwell "     "            4   10   20
1853 Eclipse        "     "            4    9   30

From new Orleans to Donaldsonville—­78 miles

H.   M.
1852 A. L. Shotwell made the run in         5   42
1852 Eclipse        "     "                 5   42
1854 Sultana        "     "                 4   51
1860 Atlantic       "     "                 5   11
1860 Gen. Quitman   "     "                 5    6
1865 Ruth           "     "                 4   43
1870 R. E. Lee      "     "                 4   59

From new Orleans to st. Louis—­1,218 miles

D.   H.   M.
1844 J. M. White  made the run in      3   23    9
1849 Missouri       "     "            4   19
1869 Dexter         "     "            4    9
1870 Natchez        "     "            3   21   58
1870 R. E. Lee      "     "            3   18   14

From Louisville to Cincinnati—­141 miles

Project Gutenberg
Life on the Mississippi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.