Life on the Mississippi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 531 pages of information about Life on the Mississippi.

Life on the Mississippi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 531 pages of information about Life on the Mississippi.

We had opportunities on other days and in other places to test the pompano.  Notably, at an editorial dinner at one of the clubs in the city.  He was in his last possible perfection there, and justified his fame.  In his suite was a tall pyramid of scarlet cray-fish—­large ones; as large as one’s thumb—­delicate, palatable, appetizing.  Also deviled whitebait; also shrimps of choice quality; and a platter of small soft-shell crabs of a most superior breed.  The other dishes were what one might get at Delmonico’s, or Buckingham Palace; those I have spoken of can be had in similar perfection in New Orleans only, I suppose.

In the West and South they have a new institution—­the Broom Brigade.  It is composed of young ladies who dress in a uniform costume, and go through the infantry drill, with broom in place of musket.  It is a very pretty sight, on private view.  When they perform on the stage of a theater, in the blaze of colored fires, it must be a fine and fascinating spectacle.  I saw them go through their complex manual with grace, spirit, and admirable precision.  I saw them do everything which a human being can possibly do with a broom, except sweep.  I did not see them sweep.  But I know they could learn.  What they have already learned proves that.  And if they ever should learn, and should go on the war-path down Tchoupitoulas or some of those other streets around there, those thoroughfares would bear a greatly improved aspect in a very few minutes.  But the girls themselves wouldn’t; so nothing would be really gained, after all.

The drill was in the Washington Artillery building.  In this building we saw many interesting relics of the war.  Also a fine oil-painting representing Stonewall Jackson’s last interview with General Lee.  Both men are on horseback.  Jackson has just ridden up, and is accosting Lee.  The picture is very valuable, on account of the portraits, which are authentic.  But, like many another historical picture, it means nothing without its label.  And one label will fit it as well as another—­

First Interview between Lee and Jackson.

Last Interview between Lee and Jackson.

Jackson Introducing Himself to Lee.

Jackson Accepting Lee’s Invitation to Dinner.

Jackson Declining Lee’s Invitation to Dinner—­with Thanks.

Jackson Apologizing for a Heavy Defeat.

Jackson Reporting a Great Victory.

Jackson Asking Lee for a Match.

It tells one story, and a sufficient one; for it says quite plainly and satisfactorily, ‘Here are Lee and Jackson together.’  The artist would have made it tell that this is Lee and Jackson’s last interview if he could have done it.  But he couldn’t, for there wasn’t any way to do it.  A good legible label is usually worth, for information, a ton of significant attitude and expression in a historical picture.  In Rome, people with fine sympathetic natures stand up and weep in front of the celebrated ‘Beatrice Cenci the Day before her Execution.’  It shows what a label can do.  If they did not know the picture, they would inspect it unmoved, and say, ’Young girl with hay fever; young girl with her head in a bag.’

Project Gutenberg
Life on the Mississippi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.