The Patagonia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about The Patagonia.

The Patagonia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about The Patagonia.
his own eyes; at all events it didn’t prevent his saying suddenly, as he looked at his watch, that I must excuse him—­he should have to go back to the club.  He would return in half an hour—­or in less.  He walked away and I sat there alone, conscious, on the dark dismantled simplified scene, in the deep silence that rests on American towns during the hot season—­there was now and then a far cry or a plash in the water, and at intervals the tinkle of the bells of the horse-cars on the long bridge, slow in the suffocating night—­of the strange influence, half-sweet, half-sad, that abides in houses uninhabited or about to become so, in places muffled and bereaved, where the unheeded sofas and patient belittered tables seem (like the disconcerted dogs, to whom everything is alike sinister) to recognise the eve of a journey.

After a while I heard the sound of voices, of steps, the rustle of dresses, and I looked round, supposing these things to denote the return of Mrs. Nettlepoint and her handmaiden with the refection prepared for her son.  What I saw however was two other female forms, visitors apparently just admitted, and now ushered into the room.  They were not announced—­the servant turned her back on them and rambled off to our hostess.  They advanced in a wavering tentative unintroduced way—­partly, I could see, because the place was dark and partly because their visit was in its nature experimental, a flight of imagination or a stretch of confidence.  One of the ladies was stout and the other slim, and I made sure in a moment that one was talkative and the other reserved.  It was further to be discerned that one was elderly and the other young, as well as that the fact of their unlikeness didn’t prevent their being mother and daughter.  Mrs. Nettlepoint reappeared in a very few minutes, but the interval had sufficed to establish a communication—­really copious for the occasion—­between the strangers and the unknown gentleman whom they found in possession, hat and stick in hand.  This was not my doing—­for what had I to go upon?—­and still less was it the doing of the younger and the more indifferent, or less courageous, lady.  She spoke but once—­when her companion informed me that she was going out to Europe the next day to be married.  Then she protested “Oh mother!” in a tone that struck me in the darkness as doubly odd, exciting my curiosity to see her face.

It had taken the elder woman but a moment to come to that, and to various other things, after I had explained that I myself was waiting for Mrs. Nettlepoint, who would doubtless soon come back.

“Well, she won’t know me—­I guess she hasn’t ever heard much about me,” the good lady said; “but I’ve come from Mrs. Allen and I guess that will make it all right.  I presume you know Mrs. Allen?”

Project Gutenberg
The Patagonia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.