Madame Bovary eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 422 pages of information about Madame Bovary.

Madame Bovary eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 422 pages of information about Madame Bovary.
left off the skins of beasts, had put on cloth, tilled the soil, planted the vine.  Was this a good, and in this discovery was there not more of injury than of gain?  Monsieur Derozerays set himself this problem.  From magnetism little by little Rodolphe had come to affinities, and while the president was citing Cincinnatus and his plough, Diocletian, planting his cabbages, and the Emperors of China inaugurating the year by the sowing of seed, the young man was explaining to the young woman that these irresistible attractions find their cause in some previous state of existence.

“Thus we,” he said, “why did we come to know one another?  What chance willed it?  It was because across the infinite, like two streams that flow but to unite; our special bents of mind had driven us towards each other.”

And he seized her hand; she did not withdraw it.

“For good farming generally!” cried the president.

“Just now, for example, when I went to your house.”

“To Monsieur Bizat of Quincampoix.”

“Did I know I should accompany you?”

“Seventy francs.”

“A hundred times I wished to go; and I followed you—­I remained.”


“And I shall remain to-night, to-morrow, all other days, all my life!”

“To Monsieur Caron of Argueil, a gold medal!”

“For I have never in the society of any other person found so complete a charm.”

“To Monsieur Bain of Givry-Saint-Martin.”

“And I shall carry away with me the remembrance of you.”

“For a merino ram!”

“But you will forget me; I shall pass away like a shadow.”

“To Monsieur Belot of Notre-Dame.”

“Oh, no!  I shall be something in your thought, in your life, shall I not?”

“Porcine race; prizes—­equal, to Messrs. Leherisse and Cullembourg, sixty francs!”

Rodolphe was pressing her hand, and he felt it all warm and quivering like a captive dove that wants to fly away; but, whether she was trying to take it away or whether she was answering his pressure; she made a movement with her fingers.  He exclaimed—­

“Oh, I thank you!  You do not repulse me!  You are good!  You understand that I am yours!  Let me look at you; let me contemplate you!”

A gust of wind that blew in at the window ruffled the cloth on the table, and in the square below all the great caps of the peasant women were uplifted by it like the wings of white butterflies fluttering.

“Use of oil-cakes,” continued the president.  He was hurrying on:  “Flemish manure-flax-growing-drainage-long leases-domestic service.”

Rodolphe was no longer speaking.  They looked at one another.  A supreme desire made their dry lips tremble, and wearily, without an effort, their fingers intertwined.

“Catherine Nicaise Elizabeth Leroux, of Sassetot-la-Guerriere, for fifty-four years of service at the same farm, a silver medal—­value, twenty-five francs!”

Project Gutenberg
Madame Bovary from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.