The Son of the Wolf eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Son of the Wolf.

The Son of the Wolf eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Son of the Wolf.

’Was I stricken dead?  Did the lightning burn me?  Did the stars fall from the sky and crush me?  Pish!  I have done with the dog.  Now will I tell you of my people, who are the mightiest of all the peoples, who rule in all the lands.  At first we hunt as I hunt, alone.

’After that we hunt in packs; and at last, like the cariboo-run, we sweep across all the land.

’Those whom we take into our lodges live; those who will not come die.  Zarinska is a comely maiden, full and strong, fit to become the mother of Wolves.  Though I die, such shall she become; for my brothers are many, and they will follow the scent of my dogs.

’Listen to the Law of the Wolf:  Whoso taketh the life of one Wolf, the forfeit shall ten of his people pay.  In many lands has the price been paid; in many lands shall it yet be paid.

’Now will I deal with the Fox and the Bear.  It seems they have cast eyes upon the maiden.  So?  Behold, I have bought her!  Thling-Tinneh leans upon the rifle; the goods of purchase are by his fire.  Yet will I be fair to the young men.  To the Fox, whose tongue is dry with many words, will I give of tobacco five long plugs.

’Thus will his mouth be wetted that he may make much noise in the council.  But to the Bear, of whom I am well proud, will I give of blankets two; of flour, twenty cups; of tobacco, double that of the Fox; and if he fare with me over the Mountains of the East, then will I give him a rifle, mate to Thling-Tinneh’s.  If not?  Good!  The Wolf is weary of speech.  Yet once again will he say the Law:  Whoso taketh the life of one Wolf, the forfeit shall ten of his people pay.’

Mackenzie smiled as he stepped back to his old position, but at heart he was full of trouble.  The night was yet dark.  The girl came to his side, and he listened closely as she told of the Bear’s battle-tricks with the knife.

The decision was for war.  In a trice, scores of moccasins were widening the space of beaten snow by the fire.  There was much chatter about the seeming defeat of the Shaman; some averred he had but withheld his power, while others conned past events and agreed with the Wolf.  The Bear came to the center of the battle-ground, a long naked hunting-knife of Russian make in his hand.  The Fox called attention to Mackenzie’s revolvers; so he stripped his belt, buckling it about Zarinska, into whose hands he also entrusted his rifle.  She shook her head that she could not shoot,—­small chance had a woman to handle such precious things.

’Then, if danger come by my back, cry aloud, “My husband!” No; thus, “My husband!"’

He laughed as she repeated it, pinched her cheek, and reentered the circle.  Not only in reach and stature had the Bear the advantage of him, but his blade was longer by a good two inches.  ‘Scruff’ Mackenzie had looked into the eyes of men before, and he knew it was a man who stood against him; yet he quickened to the glint of light on the steel, to the dominant pulse of his race.

Project Gutenberg
The Son of the Wolf from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.