The Son of the Wolf eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Son of the Wolf.

The Son of the Wolf eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Son of the Wolf.

‘Scruff’ Mackenzie dimly realized the wild grandeur of the setting as his eyes ranged down the fur-fringed sides in quest of missing faces.  They rested for a moment on a newborn babe, suckling at its mother’s naked breast.  It was forty below,—­seven and odd degrees of frost.  He thought of the tender women of his own race and smiled grimly.  Yet from the loins of some such tender woman had he sprung with a kingly inheritance,—­an inheritance which gave to him and his dominance over the land and sea, over the animals and the peoples of all the zones.  Single-handed against fivescore, girt by the Arctic winter, far from his own, he felt the prompting of his heritage, the desire to possess, the wild danger—­love, the thrill of battle, the power to conquer or to die.

The singing and the dancing ceased, and the Shaman flared up in rude eloquence.

Through the sinuosities of their vast mythology, he worked cunningly upon the credulity of his people.  The case was strong.  Opposing the creative principles as embodied in the Crow and the Raven, he stigmatized Mackenzie as the Wolf, the fighting and the destructive principle.  Not only was the combat of these forces spiritual, but men fought, each to his totem.  They were the children of Jelchs, the Raven, the Promethean fire-bringer; Mackenzie was the child of the Wolf, or in other words, the Devil.  For them to bring a truce to this perpetual warfare, to marry their daughters to the arch-enemy, were treason and blasphemy of the highest order.  No phrase was harsh nor figure vile enough in branding Mackenzie as a sneaking interloper and emissary of Satan.  There was a subdued, savage roar in the deep chests of his listeners as he took the swing of his peroration.

’Aye, my brothers, Jelchs is all-powerful!  Did he not bring heaven-borne fire that we might be warm?  Did he not draw the sun, moon, and stars, from their holes that we might see?  Did he not teach us that we might fight the Spirits of Famine and of Frost?  But now Jelchs is angry with his children, and they are grown to a handful, and he will not help.

’For they have forgotten him, and done evil things, and trod bad trails, and taken his enemies into their lodges to sit by their fires.  And the Raven is sorrowful at the wickedness of his children; but when they shall rise up and show they have come back, he will come out of the darkness to aid them.  O brothers! the Fire-Bringer has whispered messages to thy Shaman; the same shall ye hear.  Let the young men take the young women to their lodges; let them fly at the throat of the Wolf; let them be undying in their enmity!  Then shall their women become fruitful and they shall multiply into a mighty people!  And the Raven shall lead great tribes of their fathers and their fathers’ fathers from out of the North; and they shall beat back the Wolves till they are as last year’s campfires; and they shall again come to rule over all the land!  ‘Tis the message of Jelchs, the Raven.’  This foreshadowing of the Messiah’s coming brought a hoarse howl from the Sticks as they leaped to their feet.  Mackenzie slipped the thumbs of his mittens and waited.  There was a clamor for the ‘Fox,’ not to be stilled till one of the young men stepped forward to speak.

Project Gutenberg
The Son of the Wolf from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.