Up from Slavery: an autobiography eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 269 pages of information about Up from Slavery.

Up from Slavery: an autobiography eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 269 pages of information about Up from Slavery.

The sweeping of the recitation-room in the manner that I did it seems to have paved the way for me to get through Hampton.  Miss Mary F. Mackie, the head teacher, offered me a position as janitor.  This, of course, I gladly accepted, because it was a place where I could work out nearly all the cost of my board.  The work was hard and taxing but I stuck to it.  I had a large number of rooms to care for, and had to work late into the night, while at the same time I had to rise by four o’clock in the morning, in order to build the fires and have a little time in which to prepare my lessons.  In all my career at Hampton, and ever since I have been out in the world, Miss Mary F. Mackie, the head teacher to whom I have referred, proved one of my strongest and most helpful friends.  Her advice and encouragement were always helpful in strengthening to me in the darkest hour.

I have spoken of the impression that was made upon me by the buildings and general appearance of the Hampton Institute, but I have not spoken of that which made the greatest and most lasting impression on me, and that was a great man—­the noblest, rarest human being that it has ever been my privilege to meet.  I refer to the late General Samuel C. Armstrong.

It has been my fortune to meet personally many of what are called great characters, both in Europe and America, but I do not hesitate to say that I never met any man who, in my estimation, was the equal of General Armstrong.  Fresh from the degrading influences of the slave plantation and the coal-mines, it was a rare privilege for me to be permitted to come into direct contact with such a character as General Armstrong.  I shall always remember that the first time I went into his presence he made the impression upon me of being a perfect man:  I was made to feel that there was something about him that was superhuman.  It was my privilege to know the General personally from the time I entered Hampton till he died, and the more I saw of him the greater he grew in my estimation.  One might have removed from Hampton all the buildings, class-rooms, teachers, and industries, and given the men and women there the opportunity of coming into daily contact with General Armstrong, and that alone would have been a liberal education.  The older I grow, the more I am convinced that there is no education which one can get from books and costly apparatus that is equal to that which can be gotten from contact with great men and women.  Instead of studying books so constantly, how I wish that our schools and colleges might learn to study men and things!

Project Gutenberg
Up from Slavery: an autobiography from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.