Up from Slavery: an autobiography eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 269 pages of information about Up from Slavery.

Up from Slavery: an autobiography eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 269 pages of information about Up from Slavery.

The thing in my life which brings me the keenest regret is that my work in connection with public affairs keeps me for so much of the time away from my family, where, of all places in the world, I delight to be.  I always envy the individual whose life-work is so laid that he can spend his evenings at home.  I have sometimes thought that people who have this rare privilege do not appreciate it as they should.  It is such a rest and relief to get away from crowds of people, and handshaking, and travelling, to get home, even if it be for but a very brief while.

Another thing at Tuskegee out of which I get a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction is in the meeting with our students, and teachers, and their families, in the chapel for devotional exercises every evening at half-past eight, the last thing before retiring for the night.  It is an inspiring sight when one stands on the platform there and sees before him eleven or twelve hundred earnest young men and women; and one cannot but feel that it is a privilege to help to guide them to a higher and more useful life.

In the spring of 1899 there came to me what I might describe as almost the greatest surprise of my life.  Some good ladies in Boston arranged a public meeting in the interests of Tuskegee, to be held in the Hollis Street Theatre.  This meeting was attended by large numbers of the best people of Boston, of both races.  Bishop Lawrence presided.  In addition to an address made by myself, Mr. Paul Lawrence Dunbar read from his poems, and Dr. W.E.B.  Du Bois read an original sketch.

Some of those who attended this meeting noticed that I seemed unusually tired, and some little time after the close of the meeting, one of the ladies who had been interested in it asked me in a casual way if I had ever been to Europe.  I replied that I never had.  She asked me if I had ever thought of going, and I told her no; that it was something entirely beyond me.  This conversation soon passed out of my mind, but a few days afterward I was informed that some friends in Boston, including Mr. Francis J. Garrison, had raised a sum of money sufficient to pay all the expenses of Mrs. Washington and myself during a three or four months’ trip to Europe.  It was added with emphasis that we must go.  A year previous to this Mr. Garrison had attempted to get me to promise to go to Europe for a summer’s rest, with the understanding that he would be responsible for raising the money among his friends for the expenses of the trip.  At that time such a journey seemed so entirely foreign to anything that I should ever be able to undertake that I did confess I did not give the matter very serious attention; but later Mr. Garrison joined his efforts to those of the ladies whom I have mentioned, and when their plans were made known to me Mr. Garrison not only had the route mapped out, but had, I believe, selected the steamer upon which we were to sail.

Project Gutenberg
Up from Slavery: an autobiography from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.