One of Ours eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 482 pages of information about One of Ours.

One of Ours eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 482 pages of information about One of Ours.

Ralph was to be both usher and best man.  Gladys Farmer could not be one of the bridesmaids because she was to play the wedding march.  At eight o’clock Enid and Claude came downstairs together, conducted by Ralph and followed by four girls dressed in white, like the bride.  They took their places under the arch before the preacher.  He began with the chapter from Genesis about the creation of man, and Adam’s rib, reading in a laboured manner, as if he did not quite know why he had selected that passage and was looking for something he did not find.  His nose-glasses kept falling off and dropping upon the open book.  Throughout this prolonged fumbling Enid stood calm, looking at him respectfully, very pretty in her short veil.  Claude was so pale that he looked unnatural,—­nobody had ever seen him like that before.  His face, between his very black clothes and his smooth, sandy hair, was white and severe, and he uttered his responses in a hollow voice.  Mahailey, at the back of the room, in a black hat with green gooseberries on it, was standing, in order to miss nothing.  She watched Mr. Snowberry as if she hoped to catch some visible sign of the miracle he was performing.  She always wondered just what it was the preacher did to make the wrongest thing in the world the rightest thing in the world.

When it was over, Enid went upstairs to put on her travelling dress, and Ralph and Gladys began seating the guests for supper.  Just twenty minutes later Enid came down and took her place beside Claude at the head of the long table.  The company rose and drank the bride’s health in grape-juice punch.  Mr. Royce, however, while the guests were being seated, had taken Mr. Wheeler down to the fruit cellar, where the two old friends drank off a glass of well-seasoned Kentucky whiskey, and shook hands.  When they came back to the table, looking younger than when they withdrew, the preacher smelled the tang of spirits and felt slighted.  He looked disconsolately into his ruddy goblet and thought about the marriage at Cana.  He tried to apply his Bible literally to life and, though he didn’t dare breathe it aloud in these days, he could never see why he was better than his Lord.

Ralph, as master of ceremonies, kept his head and forgot nothing.  When it was time to start, he tapped Claude on the shoulder, cutting his father short in one of his best stories.  Contrary to custom, the bridal couple were to go to the station unaccompanied, and they vanished from the head of the table with only a nod and a smile to the guests.  Ralph hurried them into the light car, where he had already stowed Enid’s hand luggage.  Only wizened little Mrs. Royce slipped out from the kitchen to bid them good-bye.

Project Gutenberg
One of Ours from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.