Stories By English Authors: France (Selected by Scribners) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about Stories By English Authors.

Stories By English Authors: France (Selected by Scribners) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about Stories By English Authors.

By the time the second bottle of champagne was emptied, I felt as if I had been drinking liquid fire—­my brain seemed all aflame.  No excess in wine had ever had this effect on me before in my life.  Was it the result of a stimulant acting upon my system when I was in a highly excited state?  Was my stomach in a particularly disordered condition?  Or was the champagne amazingly strong?

“Ex-brave of the French Army!” cried I, in a mad state of exhilaration, “I am on fire! how are you?  You have set me on fire.  Do you hear, my hero of Austerlitz?  Let us have a third bottle of champagne to put the flame out!”

The old soldier wagged his head, rolled his goggle-eyes, until I expected to see them slip out of their sockets; placed his dirty forefinger by the side of his broken nose; solemnly ejaculated “Coffee!” and immediately ran off into an inner room.

The word pronounced by the eccentric veteran seemed to have a magical effect on the rest of the company present.  With one accord they all rose to depart.  Probably they had expected to profit by my intoxication; but finding that my new friend was benevolently bent on preventing me from getting dead drunk, had now abandoned all hope of thriving pleasantly on my winnings.  Whatever their motive might be, at any rate they went away in a body.  When the old soldier returned, and sat down again opposite to me at the table, we had the room to ourselves.  I could see the croupier, in a sort of vestibule which opened out of it, eating his supper in solitude.  The silence was now deeper than ever.

A sudden change, too, had come over the “ex-brave”.  He assumed a portentously solemn look; and when he spoke to me again, his speech was ornamented by no oaths, enforced by no finger-snapping, enlivened by no apostrophes or exclamations.

“Listen, my dear sir,” said he, in mysteriously confidential tones—­“listen to an old soldier’s advice.  I have been to the mistress of the house (a very charming woman, with a genius for cookery!) to impress on her the necessity of making us some particularly strong and good coffee.  You must drink this coffee in order to get rid of your little amiable exaltation of spirits before you think of going home—­you must, my good and gracious friend!  With all that money to take home to-night, it is a sacred duty to yourself to have your wits about you.  You are known to be a winner to an enormous extent by several gentlemen present to-night, who, in a certain point of view, are very worthy and excellent fellows; but they are mortal men, my dear sir, and they have their amiable weaknesses.  Need I say more?  Ah, no, no! you understand me!  Now, this is what you must do—­send for a cabriolet when you feel quite well again—­draw up all the windows when you get into it—­and tell the driver to take you home only through the large and well-lighted thoroughfares.  Do this; and you and your money will be safe.  Do this; and to-morrow you will thank an old soldier for giving you a word of honest advice.”

Project Gutenberg
Stories By English Authors: France (Selected by Scribners) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.