Dumont, Pierre, a French writer who settled in England and became the translator and exponent of Bentham’s works to Europe (1759- 1829).
Dundee, the persecutor of the Scottish Covenanters under Charles ii
Dyer, John, author of some descriptive poems, e.g. Grongar Hill (1700-58).
Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, was in turn Solicitor-General, Attorney-General, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas and Lord Chancellor, and throughout a staunch Tory (1751-1838).
Empson and Dudley, ministers and tax-raisers under Henry VII, executed by Henry viii.
Ensign Northerton (see Fielding’s Tom Jones, VII. xii.-xv.).
Escobar, a Spanish Jesuit preacher and writer (1589-1669).
Escurial, the palace and monastery built by Philip ii.
Essex, One of the Rye House Conspirators; he was found in the Tower with his throat cut, whether as the result of suicide or murder is not known.
Euston, a late Jacobean house (and park) 10 miles from Bury St. Edmunds.
Faithful Shepherdess, a pastoral by Fletcher which may have suggested the general plan and some of the details of Comus.
Farinata (see Dante’s Inferno, canto 10).
Farmer-general, the tax-gatherers of France, prior to the Revolution: they contracted with the Government for the right to collect or “farm” the taxes.
Ferdinand the Catholic, King of Aragon, who, by marrying Isabella of Castile and taking Granada from the Moors, united Spain under one crown.
Filicaja, a Florentine poet (1642-1707); according to Macaulay ("Essay on Addison”) “the greatest lyric poet of modern times,”.
Filmer, Sir Robert, advocated the doctrine of absolute regal power in his Patriarcha, 1680.
Foigard, Father, a French refugee priest in Farquhar’s Beaux Stratagem.
Fouche, Joseph, duke of Otranto. A member of the National Convention, who voted for the death of Louis XVI., and afterwards served under Napoleon (as Minister of Police) and Louis XVIII.
Fox, Henry F., father of Charles James Fox, and later Lord Holland.
Franche-Comte, that part of France which lies south of Lorraine and west of Switzerland.
French Memoirs, those of Margaret of Valois, daughter of Henry ii. Of and wife of Henry (iv.) of Navarre.
Friar Dominic, a character in Dryden’s Spanish Friar designed to ridicule priestly vices.
Fronde, a French party who opposed the power Of Mazarin and the Parliament of Paris during the minority of Louis XIV.
GRERIAH, c. seventy miles south from Bombay.
Ghizni, in Afghanistan, taken by Sir John Keane in 1839.
Gifford, John, the pseudonym of John Richards Green,
a voluminous
Tory pamphleteer (1758-1818).
Giudecca. In the ninth and lowest circle of the Inferno, the place of those who betray their benefactors,