A band of mercenary soldiers occupied Rohilcund.
The Seiks ruled or the Indus. The Jauts spread
dismay along the Jumna. The highlands which border
on the western sea-coast of India poured forth a yet
more formidable race, a race which was long the terror
of every native power, and which, after many desperate
and doubtful struggles, yielded only to the fortune
and genius of England. It was under the reign
of Aurungzebe that this wild clan of plunderers first
descended from their mountains; and soon after his
death, every corner of his wide empire learned to
tremble at the mighty name of the Mahrattas. Many
fertile viceroyalties were entirely subdued by them.
Their dominions stretched across the peninsula from
sea to sea. Mahratta captains reigned at Poonah,
at Gualior, in Guzerat, in Berar, and in Tanjore.
Nor did they, though they had become great sovereigns,
therefore cease to be freebooters. They still
retained the predatory habits of their forefathers.
Every region which was not subject to their rule was
wasted by their incursions. Wherever their kettle-drums
were heard, the peasant threw his bag of rice on his
shoulder, hid his small savings in his girdle, and
fled with his wife and children to the mountains or
the jungles, to the milder neighbourhood of the hyaena
and the tiger. Many provinces redeemed their
harvests by the payment of an annual ransom.
Even the wretched phantom who still bore the imperial
title stooped to pay this ignominious black-mail.
The camp-fires of one rapacious leader were seen from
the walls of the palace of Delhi. Another, at
the head of his innumerable cavalry, descended year
after year on the rice-fields of Bengal. Even
the European factors trembled for their magazines.
Less than a hundred years ago, it was thought necessary
to fortify Calcutta against the horsemen of Berar,
and the name of the Mahratta ditch still preserves
the memory of the danger.
Wherever the viceroys of the Mogul retained authority
they became sovereigns. They might still acknowledge
in words the superiority of the house of Tamerlane;
as a Count of Flanders or a Duke of Burgundy might
have acknowledged the superiority of the most helpless
driveller among the later Carlovingians. They
might occasionally send to their titular sovereign
a complimentary present, or solicit from him a title
of honour. In truth, however, they were no longer
lieutenants removable at pleasure, but independent
hereditary princes. In this way originated those
great Mussulman houses which formerly ruled Bengal
and the Carnatic, and those which still, though in
a state of vassalage, exercise some of the powers
of royalty at Lucknow and Hyderabad.