Haresh {...} {...} carpenter
Yom {...} {...} day, also sea
Yitten {...} {...} to give
Ish {...} {...} man
Ishath {...} {...} woman, wife
Kadesh {...} {...} holy
Kol {...} {...} every, all
Kol {...} {...} voice
Kohen {...} {...} priest
Kohenath {...} {...} priestess
Kara {...} {...} to call
Lechem {...} {...} bread
Makom {...} {...} a place
Makar {...} {...} a seller
Malakath {...} {...} work
Melek {...} {...} king
Mizbach {...} {...} altar
Na’ar {...} {...} boy, servant
Nehusht {...} {...} brass
Nephesh {...} {...} soul
Nadar {...} {...} to vow
’Abd {...} {...} slave, servant
’Am {...} {...} people
’Ain {...} {...} eye, fountain
’Ath {...} {...} time
’Olam {...} {...} eternity
Pen {...} {...} face
Per {...} {...} fruit
Pathach {...} {...} door
Rab {...} {...} lord, chief
Rabbath {...} {...} lady
Rav {...} {...} rain, irrigation
Rach {...} {...} spirit
Rapha {...} {...} physician
Shamam {...} {...} the heavens
Shemesh {...} {...} the sun
Shamang {...} {...} to hear
Shenath {...} {...} a year
Shad {...} {...} a field
Sha’ar {...} {...} a gate
Shalom {...} {...} peace
Shem {...} {...} a name
Shaphat {...} {...} a judge
Sopher {...} {...} a scribe
Sakar {...} {...} memory
Sar {...} {...} a prince
Tsedek {...} {...} just
The Phoenician numerals, so far as they are known to us, are identical, or nearly identical, with the Hebrew. ’Ahad {...} is “one;” shen {...}, “two;” shalish {...}, “three;” arba {...}, “four;” hamesh {...}, “five;” eshman