she expelled matter such as is left by a deer, and
these are the hardest substances that any gizzard
produces, as you must know, if you have ever put your
foot upon them in the forest glade, and from their
hardness they are called bullets in the language of
forestry. This peculiarity of Sister Petronille’s
was not unnatural, since long fasts kept her temperament
at a permanent heat. According to the old sisters,
her nature was so burning, that when water touched
her, she went frist! like a hot coal. There are
sisters who have accused her of secretly cooking eggs,
in the night, between her toes, in order to support
her austerities. But these were scandals, invented
to tarnish this great sanctity of which all the other
nunneries were jealous. Our sister was piloted
in the way of salvation and divine perfection by the
Abbot of St. Germaine-des-Pres de Paris—a
holy man, who always finished his Injunctions with
a last one, which was to offer to God all our troubles,
and submit ourselves to His will, since nothing happened
without His express commandment. This doctrine,
which appears wise at first sight, has furnished matter
for great controversies, and has been finally condemned
on the statement of the Cardinal of Chatillon, who
declared that then there would be no such thing as
sin, which would considerably diminish the revenues
of the Church. But Sister Petronille lived imbued
with this feeling, without knowing the danger of it.
After Lent, and the fasts of the great jubilee, for
the first time for eight months she had need to go
to the little room, and to it she went. There,
bravely lifting her dress, she put herself into a
position to do that which we poor sinners do rather
oftener. But Sister Petronille could only manage
to expectorate the commencement of the thing, which
kept her puffing without the remainder making up its
mind to follow. In spite of every effort, pursing
of the lips and squeezing of body, her guest preferred
to remain in her blessed body, merely putting his
head out of the window, like a frog taking the air,
and felt no inclination to fall into the vale of misery
among the others, alleging that he would not be there
in the odour of sanctity. And his idea was a
good one for a simple lump of dirt like himself.
The good saint having used all methods of coercion,
having overstretched her muscles, and tried the nerves
of her thin face till they bulged out, recognised
the fact that no suffering in the world was so great,
and her anguish attaining the apogee of sphincterial
terrors, she exclaimed, ‘Oh! my God, to Thee
I offer it!’ At this orison, the stoney matter
broke off short, and fell like a flint against the
wall of the privy, making a croc, croc, crooc, paf!
You can easily understand, my sisters, that she had
no need of a torch-cul, and drew back the remainder.”
“Then did she see angels?” asked one.
“Have they a behind?” asked another.
“Certainly not,” said Ursula. “Do you not know that one general meeting day, God having ordered them to be seated, they answered Him that they had not the wherewithal.”