Snow-Bound at Eagle's eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Snow-Bound at Eagle's.

Snow-Bound at Eagle's eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about Snow-Bound at Eagle's.

“Certainly,” said Hale.  It was not at all what he had meant, but he felt singularly relieved at the compromise.

“And ez I reckon Hennicker ain’t such a fool ez not to know who we are and what we’re out for,” continued Clinch, “I reckon there ain’t any concealment.”

“Then it’s Hennicker’s?” said the ostler, with swift deduction.

“Hennicker’s it is!  Lead on.”

The ostler remounted his horse, and the others followed.  The trail presently turned into a broader track, that bore some signs of approaching habitations, and at the end of five minutes they came upon a clearing.  It was part of one of the fragmentary mountain terraces, and formed by itself a vast niche, or bracketed shelf, in the hollow flank of the mountain that, to Hale’s first glance, bore a rude resemblance to Eagle’s Court.  But there was neither meadow nor open field; the few acres of ground had been wrested from the forest by axe and fire, and unsightly stumps everywhere marked the rude and difficult attempts at cultivation.  Two or three rough buildings of unplaned and unpainted boards, connected by rambling sheds, stood in the centre of the amphitheatre.  Far from being protected by the encircling rampart, it seemed to be the selected arena for the combating elements.  A whirlwind from the outer abyss continually filled this cave of AEolus with driving snow, which, however, melted as it fell, or was quickly whirled away again.

A few dogs barked and ran out to meet the cavalcade, but there was no other sign of any life disturbed or concerned at their approach.

“I reckon Hennicker ain’t home, or he’d hev been on the lookout afore this,” said the ostler, dismounting and rapping on the door.

After a silence, a female voice, unintelligibly to the others, apparently had some colloquy with the ostler, who returned to the party.

“Must go in through the kitchin—­can’t open the door for the wind.”

Leaving their horses in the shed, they entered the kitchen, which communicated, and presently came upon a square room filled with smoke from a fire of green pine logs.  The doors and windows were tightly fastened; the only air came in through the large-throated chimney in voluminous gusts, which seemed to make the hollow shell of the apartment swell and expand to the point of bursting.  Despite the stinging of the resinous smoke, the temperature was grateful to the benumbed travellers.  Several cushionless arm-chairs, such as were used in bar-rooms, two tables, a sideboard, half bar and half cupboard, and a rocking-chair comprised the furniture, and a few bear and buffalo skins covered the floor.  Hale sank into one of the arm-chairs, and, with a lazy satisfaction, partly born of his fatigue and partly from some newly-discovered appreciative faculty, gazed around the room, and then at the mistress of the house, with whom the others were talking.

Project Gutenberg
Snow-Bound at Eagle's from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.