David Elginbrod eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 662 pages of information about David Elginbrod.

David Elginbrod eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 662 pages of information about David Elginbrod.
it, haill,whole, hairst-rig,harvest crew, halesome,wholesome; pure, hame,home, hamely,homely; familiar; friendly; common, hame-ower,homely; simple and straightforward, han’,hand, han’fu’,handful, han’s,hands, hantle,much; far, hap,cover; wrap; shield, happin,covering; wrapping, hasna’,has not; hasn’t, haud,hold; keep, haud the hert in her,hold the heart in her,also keep her spirits up haudin’,holding; keeping, hauds,holds; keeps, haven,heaven, haverin’,blethering; talking rubbish, havers,blether; (verbal) rubbish, heap,lot; heap, hearin’,hearing, hearken,hear; have a listen, hech!,Oh! strange!,a sighing exclamation heeds,heads, heid,head; heading, herdin’,herding; shepherding, hert,heart, hertily,heartily, herts,hearts, het,hot; burning, hev’,have, hicht,height, hidin’,hiding, hill-moss,mountain-moor,’moss’ is a swamp or peat bog himsel,himself, himsel’,himself, hindmost,last; final, hingin’,hanging, hit,it,’h’ gives emphasis hither-come,ancestry; past history, hizzie,hussy; silly girl, hizzy,hussy; silly girl, hom’,home, hoo,how, hoose,house, hoosehold,household, hoose-room,living space, hoot,no meaning,exclamation hootoot,see hootoots, hootoots,-no meaning-,exclamation hoots,no meaning,exclamation hosen,stockings; socks, hostin’,coughing, houp,hope, houpit,hoped, howkin’,digging; delving, hunner,hundred, huz,us, i’,in; into, I canna min’,I can not think or remember, I doot,I don’t doubt it; I know, I wat,I see; I declare; I know, I wot,I see; I declare, idlin’,idling, ilka,every; each, ill,bad; evil, ’ill,will, ill-faured,ill-favoured, ill-min’ins,ill meanings; ill intent, ’im,him, imaigins,imagines, immedantly,immediately, impairts,imparts, imputit,imputed, in sma’,in short, ingle-neuk,chimney corner or recess, in’s,in his, instruck,instruct, in’t,in it, intellec,intellect, interferin’,interfering, intill,into, intill’t,into it, I’se,I shall, is’t,is it, ither,other; another; further, itherwise,otherwise, itsel,itself, itsel’,itself, itsel’s,itself is, jeedgement,judgement, jeedgment,judgement, jist,just, judgin’,judging, justifeed,justified, keepit,kept, keepit his thoom...ellwan,to short change someone,a short measure ken,know; be aware of, kenna,do not know, kenned,known; knew, kens,knows, kent,known; knew, kep,keep; catch, killin’,killing, kin’,kind; agreeable, kin’ness,kindness, kintra-side,countryside, kirk,church, kirkyard,churchyard, kirn,churn, knittin’,knitting, kye,cattle; cows, lad,boy, laddies,boys,diminutive lads,boys, laird,landed proprietor; squire, lammie,little lamb,diminutive; term of endearment lan’,land; country, lane,lone; alone, lanes,lone; alone, lang,long, langer,longer, lass,girl, lass-bairn,girl child, lassie,girl,diminutive lat,let, lats,lets, lat’s,lets, lattin,letting, lauch,laugh, lave,rest; leave; remainder, laverocks,larks (type of bird), layin’,laying, lea’,leave, learnin’,learning; teaching, learnt,learned; taught, leein’,lying, lees,lies, leevin’,living, leisur’,leisure, len’,lend; give; grant, lenth,length, letten,let; allowed,
Project Gutenberg
David Elginbrod from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.