David Elginbrod eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 662 pages of information about David Elginbrod.

David Elginbrod eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 662 pages of information about David Elginbrod.
not; can not, drappy,drop; a little (liquor),diminutive dreed,dread; fear, dreid,dread, driftin’,drifting,snow driven by the wind drinkin’,drinking, driv’t,drive it, duin’,doing, dune,done, dune’t,done it, dung,beaten; overcome; worn out, ear’,early, ’ee,eye, een,eyes, e’en,even; just; simply,also eyes eesicht,eye sight; by all appearances, efter,after; afterwards, eident,evident, ellwan’,ell-wand; ruler; yardstick,1 ell = 37 inches or 94 cm ’en,end, en’,end, ends-errand,went on purpose; specifically to, eneuch,enough, enlichtened,enlightened, enteresstit,interested, ettle,reach; try to climb; purpose; aim, ettlin’,seeking (to understand); aiming, evenin’,putting on the same level; comparing, exackly,exactly, excep,except, exerceese,exercise, expec,expect, expeck,expect, expeckin’,expecting, eynds,ends, eyther,either, fa’,fall; befall, fac,fact, fair-oot,far out, fand,found, fardins,farthings, fegs,golly,exclamation fell,very; potent; keen; harsh,more emphasis feow,few, fillin’,filling, fin’,find, firin’,firing; heating, fir-taps,tops of the fir trees, fit,foot; base,also fit flatterin’,flattering, flauchterin’,fluttering, fleein’,flying, flutterin’,fluttering, flytin’,telling off; scolding,flaying with the tongue followin’,following, forbear,ancestor, forbears,ancestors, forby,as well; as well as; besides, forbye,as well; as well as; besides, forenichts,fore-nights; early evenings, forfochten,overcome; done for, forgetfu’ness,forgetfulness, forgie,forgive, for’s,for his, for’t,for it, fortnicht,fortnight; two weeks, fower,four, fowk,folk, fowth,plenty; abundance; full measure, frae,from, frae the tae side to the tither,from one side to the other, freen,friend, frien’,friend, friens,friends, frien’s,friends, fu’,full; very; quite, fule,fool, furth,forth, gae,gave, gaed,went, gaein,going, gaein’,going, gaeing,going, gaen,going, gait,way, gane,gone, gane up the stairs,gone to heaven, gane wull,lost its way, gang,go; goes; depart; walk, gangs,goes, gar,cause; make; compel, garrin’,making; causing; compelling, gars,causes; makes, gart,caused; made; compelled, gat,got, get,way,also get gettin’,getting, gey,very, gie,give, gie a lift,give a helping hand, giein’,giving, gie’s,gives, gin,if; as if; then; whether, gin’,if; as if; then; whether, gin’t,if it, glaid,glad, glaidden,gladden, glamour,spell; charm; enchantment, glass,magnifying glass, gleed,?, gleg,quick; lively; smart; quick-witted, gleg ’ee,quick or sharp eye to notice things, gloamin’,twilight; dusk, God-fearin’,God-fearing, got grips,got a hold of; grasped; understood, gowd,gold, gowpenfu’s,enough,enough (to cause one to stare) gran’,grand, gran’father,grandfather, grat,cried; wept, gravestane,gravestone; tombstone; headstone, greet,cry; weep, greetin’,crying; weeping, grip,grasp; understand, grips,grasp; understanding, growin’,growing, grup,grip; grab, gude,good; God, guid,good; God, guidit,guided; managed, ha’,have,also hall hadna,had not, hae,have, ha’e,have, haein’,having, haena,have not, hae’t,have
Project Gutenberg
David Elginbrod from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.