not; can not, drappy,drop; a little (liquor),diminutive
dreed,dread; fear, dreid,dread, driftin’,drifting,snow
driven by the wind drinkin’,drinking, driv’t,drive
it, duin’,doing, dune,done, dune’t,done
it, dung,beaten; overcome; worn out, ear’,early,
’ee,eye, een,eyes, e’en,even; just; simply,also
eyes eesicht,eye sight; by all appearances, efter,after;
afterwards, eident,evident, ellwan’,ell-wand;
ruler; yardstick,1 ell = 37 inches or 94 cm ’en,end,
en’,end, ends-errand,went on purpose; specifically
to, eneuch,enough, enlichtened,enlightened, enteresstit,interested,
ettle,reach; try to climb; purpose; aim, ettlin’,seeking
(to understand); aiming, evenin’,putting on
the same level; comparing, exackly,exactly, excep,except,
exerceese,exercise, expec,expect, expeck,expect,
expeckin’,expecting, eynds,ends, eyther,either,
fa’,fall; befall, fac,fact, fair-oot,far out,
fand,found, fardins,farthings, fegs,golly,exclamation
fell,very; potent; keen; harsh,more emphasis feow,few,
fillin’,filling, fin’,find, firin’,firing;
heating, fir-taps,tops of the fir trees, fit,foot;
base,also fit flatterin’,flattering, flauchterin’,fluttering,
fleein’,flying, flutterin’,fluttering,
flytin’,telling off; scolding,flaying with the
tongue followin’,following, forbear,ancestor,
forbears,ancestors, forby,as well; as well as; besides,
forbye,as well; as well as; besides, forenichts,fore-nights;
early evenings, forfochten,overcome; done for, forgetfu’ness,forgetfulness,
forgie,forgive, for’s,for his, for’t,for
it, fortnicht,fortnight; two weeks, fower,four,
fowk,folk, fowth,plenty; abundance; full measure,
frae,from, frae the tae side to the tither,from one
side to the other, freen,friend, frien’,friend,
friens,friends, frien’s,friends, fu’,full;
very; quite, fule,fool, furth,forth, gae,gave,
gaed,went, gaein,going, gaein’,going, gaeing,going,
gaen,going, gait,way, gane,gone, gane up the stairs,gone
to heaven, gane wull,lost its way, gang,go; goes;
depart; walk, gangs,goes, gar,cause; make; compel,
garrin’,making; causing; compelling, gars,causes;
makes, gart,caused; made; compelled, gat,got, get,way,also
get gettin’,getting, gey,very, gie,give,
gie a lift,give a helping hand, giein’,giving,
gie’s,gives, gin,if; as if; then; whether,
gin’,if; as if; then; whether, gin’t,if
it, glaid,glad, glaidden,gladden, glamour,spell;
charm; enchantment, glass,magnifying glass, gleed,?,
gleg,quick; lively; smart; quick-witted, gleg ’ee,quick
or sharp eye to notice things, gloamin’,twilight;
dusk, God-fearin’,God-fearing, got grips,got
a hold of; grasped; understood, gowd,gold, gowpenfu’s,enough,enough
(to cause one to stare) gran’,grand, gran’father,grandfather,
grat,cried; wept, gravestane,gravestone; tombstone;
headstone, greet,cry; weep, greetin’,crying;
weeping, grip,grasp; understand, grips,grasp; understanding,
growin’,growing, grup,grip; grab, gude,good;
God, guid,good; God, guidit,guided; managed, ha’,have,also
hall hadna,had not, hae,have, ha’e,have,
haein’,having, haena,have not, hae’t,have