David Elginbrod eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 662 pages of information about David Elginbrod.

David Elginbrod eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 662 pages of information about David Elginbrod.
brethren, brocht,brought, brods,boards; (book covers), broos,eyebrows, bud,intended; meant to, bude,would prefer to, buik,book, buiks,books, burdie,little bird,diminutive burnin’,burning, burnside,along the side of a stream, butt,main room in a croft; front room,includes kitchen and storage butt the hoose,into the house; into the front room, by ordinar’,out of the ordinary; supernatural, byke,hive; swarm; crowd, ca’,call; name, ca’d,called, calf-country,country or place where one grew up, caller,fresh; refreshing; cool, cam,came, cam’,came, canna,cannot, carefu’,careful, cart-fu’s,cartloads, ca’s,calls, ca’t,call it, cauld,cold, caup,small wooden bowl, ’cause,because, causin’,causing, ’cep’,except, chaip,blow; stroke,also fellow; chap chaumer,chamber; room, chield,child; young person; lad,used when expressing sympathy chields,children; lads; young people,used when expressing sympathy chimla,fireside; hearth, chimla-lug,side wall of chimney recess,also chimney corner chow,chew, clam,climbed, clappit,clapped (on the shoulder); praised, clavers,idle talk; chatter,smarmy compliments; buttering up clean,quite; utterly,also comely; shapely; empty cleed,clothe, clippin’,clipping; shearing, clyack,harvest, colliginer,college boy, Come butt the hoose.,’Come on in!’,colloquial and familiar Come yer wa’s butt.,’Come on in!’,colloquial and familiar Come yer wa’s.,’Come on in!’,colloquial and familiar comin’,coming, comparateevely,comparatively, consistin’,consisting, contradickin’,contradicting, coorse,coarse,also course corn-scraich,land-rail,type of bird corp,corpse, corps,bodies; corpses, cot,cottage, couples,joining pieces; cross beams, couthy,loving; kind; buddy-buddy, coverin’,covering, craig,throat; neck; gullet, crater,creature, craytur,creature, crayturs,creatures, creater,creature, creaters,creatures, creatur’,creature, creepie,three legged stool, creepin’,creeping, crookit,crooked, croonin’,crooning; moaning; whining, cud,could, cudna,could not, cuiticans,leather gaiters, cuttin’,cutting, dacent,decent, daffin’,dallying; fooling; frolic; flirtation, darin’,daring, daunder,casual stroll, daured,dared, daursay,dare say, dawtie,darling; pet,term of endearment Dawvid,David, daylicht,daylight, deed,died,also deed; indeed deeth,death, deevilich,devilish, deid,dead, deid-stane,gravestone; tombstone, deil,devil, Deil a bit!,Not at all!  Not a bit!, deit,died, deith,death, dementit,demented; mad, denner-time,dinner time, depen’,depend, detaictives,detectives, devallt,intermission; a break, didna,did not, dinna,do not, direckly,directly; immediately, dischairgin’,discharging, disjaskit,worn out; fatigued, disturbin’,disturbing, dochter,daughter, doin’,doing, doitit,out of the mind; muddled,also in a whirl with worry doo,dove,term of endearment doon,down, doonsettin’,setting down, doonsittin’,place to sit down or rest, door-cheek,door jamb, doot,doubt,also know dootless,doubtless, do’t,do it, douce,sensible; sober; prudent, doun,down, dout,doubt,also know dowie,sad; lonely; depressing; dismal, downa,dare
Project Gutenberg
David Elginbrod from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.