A Waif of the Plains eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 135 pages of information about A Waif of the Plains.

A Waif of the Plains eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 135 pages of information about A Waif of the Plains.

Whether Clarence profited by this lesson, or whether this brief exhibition of his quality prevented any repetition of the cause, the episode was soon forgotten.  As his school-fellows had never been his associates or confidants, it mattered little to him whether they feared or respected him, or were hypocritically obsequious, after the fashion of the weaker.  His studies, at all events, profited by this lack of distraction.  Already his two years of desultory and omnivorous reading had given him a facile familiarity with many things, which left him utterly free of the timidity, awkwardness, or non-interest of a beginner.  His usually reserved manner, which had been lack of expression rather than of conviction, had deceived his tutors.  The audacity of a mind that had never been dominated by others, and owed no allegiance to precedent, made his merely superficial progress something marvelous.

At the end of the first year he was a phenomenal scholar, who seemed capable of anything.  Nevertheless, Father Sobriente had an interview with Don Juan, and as a result Clarence was slightly kept back in his studies, a little more freedom from the rules was conceded to him, and he was even encouraged to take some diversion.  Of such was the privilege to visit the neighboring town of Santa Clara unrestricted and unattended.  He had always been liberally furnished with pocket-money, for which, in his companionless state and Spartan habits, he had a singular and unboyish contempt.  Nevertheless, he always appeared dressed with scrupulous neatness, and was rather distinguished-looking in his older reserve and melancholy self-reliance.

Lounging one afternoon along the Alameda, a leafy avenue set out by the early Mission Fathers between the village of San Jose and the convent of Santa Clara, he saw a double file of young girls from the convent approaching, on their usual promenade.  A view of this procession being the fondest ambition of the San Jose collegian, and especially interdicted and circumvented by the good Fathers attending the college excursions, Clarence felt for it the profound indifference of a boy who, in the intermediate temperate zone of fifteen years, thinks that he is no longer young and romantic!  He was passing them with a careless glance, when a pair of deep violet eyes caught his own under the broad shade of a coquettishly beribboned hat, even as it had once looked at him from the depths of a calico sunbonnet.  Susy!  He started, and would have spoken; but with a quick little gesture of caution and a meaning glance at the two nuns who walked at the head and foot of the file, she indicated him to follow.  He did so at a respectful distance, albeit wondering.  A little further on Susy dropped her handkerchief, and was obliged to dart out and run back to the end of the file to recover it.  But she gave another swift glance of her blue eyes as she snatched it up and demurely ran back to her place.  The procession passed on, but when Clarence reached the spot where she had paused he saw a three-cornered bit of paper lying in the grass.  He was too discreet to pick it up while the girls were still in sight, but continued on, returning to it later.  It contained a few words in a schoolgirl’s hand, hastily scrawled in pencil:  “Come to the south wall near the big pear-tree at six.”

Project Gutenberg
A Waif of the Plains from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.