A Damsel in Distress eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about A Damsel in Distress.

A Damsel in Distress eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 302 pages of information about A Damsel in Distress.

It was incredible that three short weeks ago he had been a happy man.  Lonely, perhaps, but only in a vague, impersonal way.  Not lonely with this aching loneliness that tortured him now.  What was there left for him?  As regards any triumphs which the future might bring in connection with his work, he was, as Mac the stage-door keeper had said, “blarzy”.  Any success he might have would be but a stale repetition of other successes which he had achieved.  He would go on working, of course, but—.  The ringing of the telephone bell across the room jerked him back to the present.  He got up with a muttered malediction.  Someone calling up again from the theatre probably.  They had been doing it all the time since he had announced his intention of leaving for America by Saturday’s boat.

“Hello?” he said wearily.

“Is that George?” asked a voice.  It seemed familiar, but all female voices sound the same over the telephone.

“This is George,” he replied.  “Who are you?”

“Don’t you know my voice?”

“I do not.”

“You’ll know it quite well before long.  I’m a great talker.”

“Is that Billie?”

“It is not Billie, whoever Billie may be.  I am female, George.”

“So is Billie.”

“Well, you had better run through the list of your feminine friends till you reach me.”

“I haven’t any feminine friends.”


“That’s odd.”


“You told me in the garden two nights ago that you looked on me as a pal.”

George sat down abruptly.  He felt boneless.

“Is—­is that you?” he stammered.  “It can’t be—­Maud!”

“How clever of you to guess.  George, I want to ask you one or two things.  In the first place, are you fond of butter?”

George blinked.  This was not a dream.  He had just still hurt most convincingly.  He needed the evidence to assure himself that he was awake.

“Butter?” he queried.  “What do you mean?”

“Oh, well, if you don’t even know what butter means, I expect it’s all right.  What is your weight, George?”

“About a hundred and eighty pounds.  But I don’t understand.”

“Wait a minute.”  There was a silence at the other end of the wire.  “About thirteen stone,” said Maud’s voice.  “I’ve been doing it in my head.  And what was it this time last year?”

“About the same, I think.  I always weigh about the same.”

“How wonderful!  George!”


“This is very important.  Have you ever been in Florida?”

“I was there one winter.”

“Do you know a fish called the pompano?”

“Tell me about it.”

“How do you mean?  It’s just a fish.  You eat it.”

“I know.  Go into details.”

“There aren’t any details.  You just eat it.”

The voice at the other end of the wire purred with approval.  “I never heard anything so splendid.  The last man who mentioned pompano to me became absolutely lyrical about sprigs of parsley and melted butter.  Well, that’s that.  Now, here’s another very important point.  How about wall-paper?”

Project Gutenberg
A Damsel in Distress from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.