according to circumstances, according to the occasion; as it may
happen, as it may turn out, as it may be; as the case may be, as the wind blows; pro re nata[Lat].
Phr. “yet are my sins not those of circumstance” [Lytton].
<— p. 3 —>
% Section ii. Relation
1. Absolute relation %
#9. Relation. —
N. relation, bearing, reference, connection,
concern, cognation; correlation &c. 12; analogy; similarity
&c. 17; affinity, homology, alliance, homogeneity,
association; approximation &c. (nearness) 197; filiation
&c. (consanguinity) 11[obs3]; interest; relevancy
&c. 23; dependency, relationship, relative position.
comparison &c. 464;
ratio, proportion.
link, tie, bond of union.
V. be related &c. adj.;
have a relation &c. n.; relate to, refer to;
bear upon, regard, concern, touch, affect, have to
do with; pertain to, belong to, appertain to; answer
to; interest.
bring into relation
with, bring to bear upon; connect, associate, draw
a parallel; link &c. 43.
Adj. relative; correlative
&c. 12; cognate; relating to &c. v.;
relative to, in relation with, referable or referrible
to[obs3]; belonging to &c. v.; appurtenant to, in
common with.
related, connected;
implicated, associated, affiliated, allied to; en
rapport, in touch with.
approximating; proportional, proportionate,
proportionable; allusive, comparable.
in the same category
&c. 75; like &c. 17; relevant &c. (apt) 23;
applicable, equiparant[obs3].
Adv. relatively &c.
adj.; pertinently &c. 23.
thereof; as to, as for,
as respects, as regards; about; concerning &c.
v.; anent; relating to, as relates to; with relation,
with reference to, with respect to, with regard to;
in respect of; while speaking of, a propos of[Fr];
in connection with; by the way, by the by; whereas;
for as much as, in as much as; in point of, as far
as; on the part of, on the score of; quoad hoc[Lat];
pro re nata[Lat]; under the head of &c. (class) 75
of; in the matter of, in re.
Phr. “thereby
hangs a tale” [Taming of the Shrew].
#10. [Want, or absence
of relation.] Irrelation. — N.
irrelation[obs3], dissociation; misrelation[obs3];
inapplicability; inconnection[obs3]; multifariousness;
disconnection &c. (disjunction) 44; inconsequence,
independence; incommensurability; irreconcilableness
&c. (disagreement) 24; heterogeneity; unconformity
&c. 83; irrelevancy, impertinence, nihil ad rem[Lat];
intrusion &c. 24; non-pertinence.
V. have no relation
to &c. 9; have no bearing upon, have no concern
with &c. 9, have no business with; not concern &c.