[in a supreme degree] preeminently, superlatively &c. (superiority)
[in a too great degree] immoderately, monstrously, preposterously,
inordinately, exorbitantly, excessively, enormously, out of all proportion, with a vengeance.
[in a marked degree] particularly, remarkably, singularly, curiously,
uncommonly, unusually, peculiarly, notably, signally, strikingly, pointedly, mainly, chiefly; famously, egregiously, prominently, glaringly, emphatically, gr/kat exochin/[Grl], strangely, wonderfully, amazingly, surprisingly, astonishingly, incredibly, marvelously, awfully, stupendously.
[in an exceptional degree] peculiarly &c. (unconformity) 83.
[in a violent degree] furiously &c. (violence) 173; severely,
desperately, tremendously, extravagantly, confoundedly, deucedly, devilishly, with a vengeance; a outrance[obs3], a toute outrance[Fr][obs3].
[in a painful degree] painfully, sadly, grossly, sorely, bitterly,
piteously, grievously, miserably, cruelly, woefully, lamentably, shockingly, frightfully, dreadfully, fearfully, terribly, horribly.
Phr. a maximis ad minima[Lat]; “greatness knows itself” [Henry iv];
“mightiest powers by deepest calms are fed” [B. Cornwall]; minimum decet libere cui multum licet [Lat][Seneca]; “some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” [Twelfth Night].
<— p. 10 —> <— to a limited degree should be broken out to a section near to qualification 469 —>
#32. Smallness.
— N. smallness &c. adj.; littleness &c.
(small size)
193; tenuity; paucity; fewness &c (small number) 103;
meanness, insignificance (unimportance) 643; mediocrity,
small quantity, modicum,
trace, hint, minimum; vanishing point;
material point, atom, particle, molecule, corpuscle,
point, speck, dot, mote, jot, iota, ace; minutiae,
details; look, thought, idea, soupcon, dab, dight[obs3],
whit, tittle, shade, shadow; spark, scintilla, gleam;
touch, cast; grain, scruple, granule, globule, minim,
sup, sip, sop, spice, drop, droplet, sprinkling, dash,
morceau[obs3], screed, smack, tinge, tincture; inch,
patch, scantling, tatter, cantlet[obs3], flitter, gobbet[obs3],
mite, bit, morsel, crumb, seed, fritter, shive[obs3];
snip, snippet; snick[obs3], snack, snatch, slip, scrag[obs3];
chip, chipping; shiver, sliver, driblet, clipping,
paring, shaving, hair.
nutshell; thimbleful,
spoonful, handful, capful, mouthful; fragment;
fraction &c. (part) 51; drop in the ocean.
animalcule &c. 193.
trifle &c. (unimportant
thing) 643; mere nothing, next to nothing;
hardly anything; just enough to swear by; the shadow