#28. [Difference of
quantity or degree.] Inequality. — N. inequality;
disparity, imparity; odds; difference &c. 15; unevenness;
inclination of the balance, partiality, bias, weight;
shortcoming; casting weight, make-weight; superiority
&c. 33; inferiority &c. 34; inequation[obs3].
V. be unequal &c. adj.;
countervail; have the advantage, give the
advantage; turn the scale; kick the beam; topple,
topple over; overmatch &c. 33; not come up to &c.
Adj. unequal, uneven,
disparate, partial; unbalanced, overbalanced;
top-heavy, lopsided, biased, skewed; disquiparant[obs3].
Adv. haud passibus aequis
<— p. 9 —>
#29. Mean. —
N. mean, average; median, mode; balance, medium,
mediocrity, generality; golden mean &c. (mid-course)
628; middle &c. 68; compromise &c. 774; middle course,
middle state; neutrality.
mediocrity, least common
V. split the difference;
take the average &c. n.; reduce to a mean &c.
n.; strike a balance, pair off. Adj. mean, intermediate;
middle &c. 68; average; neutral.
mediocre, middle-class;
commonplace &c. (unimportant) 643.
Adv. on an average,
in the long run; taking one with another, taking
all things together, taking it for all in all; communibus
annis[Lat], in round numbers.
Phr. medium tenuere
#30. Compensation.
— N. compensation, equation; commutation;
indemnification; compromise &c. 774 neutralization,
nullification; counteraction &c. 179; reaction; measure
for measure, retaliation &c. 718 equalization &c.
27; robbing Peter to pay Paul.
set-off, offset; make-weight,
casting-weight; counterpoise, ballast;
indemnity, equivalent, quid pro quo; bribe, hush money;
amends &c. (atonement) 952; counterbalance, counterclaim;
cross-debt, cross-demand.
V. make compensation;
compensate, compense[obs3]; indemnify;
counteract, countervail, counterpoise; balance; outbalance[obs3],
overbalance, counterbalance; set off; hedge, square,
give and take; make up for, lee way; cover, fill up,
neutralize, nullify; equalize &c. 27; make good; redeem
&c. (atone) 952.
Adj. compensating, compensatory;
countervailing &c. v.; in the
opposite scale; equivalent &c. (equal) 27.
Adv. in return, in consideration;
but, however, yet, still,
notwithstanding; nevertheless, nathless[obs3], none
the less; although, though; albeit, howbeit; mauger[obs3];
at all events, at any rate; be that as it may, for
all that, even so, on the other, hand, at the same
time, quoad minus[Lat], quand meme[Fr], however that
may be; after all is said and done; taking one thing
with another &c. (average) 29.
Phr. “light is
mingled with the gloom” [Whittier]; every dark
has a silver lining; primo avulso non deficit alter
[Lat][obs3][Vergil]; saepe creat molles aspera spina
rosas [Lat][Ovid].