Mauprat eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about Mauprat.

Mauprat eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 457 pages of information about Mauprat.

I should be wrong if, in order to gain your sympathy in these early years of my life, I asserted that I was born with a noble nature, a pure and incorruptible soul.  As to this, I know nothing.  Maybe there are no incorruptible souls.  Maybe there are.  That is what neither you nor any one will ever know.  The great questions awaiting an answer are these:  “Are our innate tendencies invincible?  If not, can they be modified merely or wholly destroyed by education?” For myself, I would not dare to affirm.  I am neither a metaphysician, nor a psychologist, nor a philosopher; but I have had a terrible life, gentlemen, and if I were a legislator, I would order that man to have his tongue torn out, or his head cut off, who dared to preach or write that the nature of individuals is unchangeable, and that it is no more possible to reform the character of a man than the appetite of a tiger.  God has preserved me from believing this.

All I can tell you is that my mother instilled into me good principles, though, perhaps, I was not endowed by nature with her good qualities.  Even with her I was of a violent disposition, but my violence was sullen and suppressed.  I was blind and brutal in anger, nervous even to cowardice at the approach of danger, daring almost to foolhardiness when hand to hand with it—­that is to say, at once timid and brave from my love of life.  My obstinacy was revolting; yet my mother alone could conquer me; and without attempting to reason, for my mind developed very slowly, I used to obey her as if by a sort of magnetic necessity.  This one guiding hand which I remember, and another woman’s which I felt later, were and have been sufficient to lead me towards good.  But I lost my mother before she had been able to teach me anything seriously; and when I was transplanted to Roche-Mauprat, my feeling for the evil done there was merely an instinctive aversion, feeble enough, perhaps, if fear had not been mingled with it.

But I thank Heaven from the bottom of my heart for the cruelties heaped upon me there, and above all for the hatred which my Uncle John conceived for me.  My ill-fortune preserved me from indifference in the presence of evil, and my sufferings helped me to detest those who wrought it.

This John was certainly the most detestable of his race.  Ever since a fall from his horse had maimed him, his evil temper had developed in proportion to his inability to do as much harm as his companions.  Compelled to remain at home when the others set out on their expeditions, for he could not bestride a horse, he found his only chance of pleasure in those fruitless little attacks which the mounted police sometimes made on the castle, as if to ease their conscience.  Then, intrenched behind a rampart of freestone which he had had built to suit himself, John, calmly seated near his culverin, would pick off a gentleman from time to time, and at once regain, as he said, his sleeping and eating power, which want of exercise had taken from him.  And he would even climb up to his beloved platform without waiting for the excuse of an attack, and there, crouching down like a cat ready to spring, as soon as he saw any one appear in the distance without giving the signal, he would try his skill upon the target, and make the man retrace his steps.  This he called sweeping the path clean.

Project Gutenberg
Mauprat from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.