That Mainwaring Affair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 378 pages of information about That Mainwaring Affair.

That Mainwaring Affair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 378 pages of information about That Mainwaring Affair.

“‘Ah!’ he said, with mocking emphasis, ‘who is the impostor now?’

“My first thought was of self-vindication, and to effect, if possible, a compromise with him.  ‘I am no impostor or usurper,’ I said, ’because, believing you dead, I have used that to which in the event of your death I would be legally entitled even had you any claim, and I am willing, not as an acknowledgment of any valid claim on your part, but as a concession on my own part, to give you a liberal share in the estate, or to pay you any reasonable sum which you may require-

“He stopped me with an intolerant gesture.  ’Do not attempt any palliation of the past with me,’ he said, sternly; ’it is worse than useless; and do not think that you can make any compromises with me or purchase my silence with your ill-gotten wealth.  That may have served your purpose in the past with your associate and coadjutor, Richard Hobson, the man who holds in his mercenary grasp the flimsy reputation which is all that is left to you, or with the woman — cruel as the grave and false as hell — who once wrecked my life, and now, with the son that you dare not acknowledge, rules your home, but you cannot buy my silence.  I come to you as no beggar!  I am a richer man to-day than you, but for the sake of generations past, as well as of generations yet to come, I will have my own.  The estate which was once my forefathers shall be my son’s, and his sons’ after him!’

“As I listened, my whole soul rose against him in bitter hatred, the old hatred of my youth.  ‘I defy you,’ I’ cried, hotly, ’to produce one atom of proof in support of your claim or of your charges against me!  The estate is mine, and I will make you rue the day that you dare dispute my right and title to it!’

“His eyes flashed with scorn as he replied, ’You lie, Hugh Mainwaring!  Your life for the past twenty-five years has been nothing but a lie, and the day just closed has witnessed the final act in this farce of yours.  That I have already undone, and just as surely I will undo the work of the past years.  And let me assure you I have no lack of proof with which to verify either my own claim or any assertion I have made, or may yet make, against you.  I have proof that on the night preceding my father’s death he made a will restoring to me my full rights, which you have fraudulently withheld all these years; and through my son, whom you have known for the past eighteen months as your private secretary, I have proof that that will is still in existence, of itself an irrefutable witness against you!’

“With the mention of my secretary the truth flashed upon me.  I realized I was completely in his power, and with a sense of my own impotency my rage and hatred increased.  Forgetful of the weapon in his hand and almost blind with fury, I sprang towards him, intending to throttle him — to strangle him — until he should plead for mercy.  Instantly he raised the revolver in warning, but not

Project Gutenberg
That Mainwaring Affair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.