That Mainwaring Affair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 378 pages of information about That Mainwaring Affair.

That Mainwaring Affair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 378 pages of information about That Mainwaring Affair.

Then, as Mr. Sutherland elevated his eyebrows in mute inquiry, he continued,-

“The coachman, I have understood, is a recent acquisition, taken, I believe, upon the recommendation of this Merrick; and while he seems eminently satisfactory as a coachman, I have my doubts as to whether he will prove quite so satisfactory to his superior officer upon his return.”

“Ah, I see!” ejaculated the other; “he is what might be denominated a ‘sub.’”

“Yes; and so exceedingly verdant that McCabe thought it worth while to make his acquaintance.  But now to present business!”

Again the strange story was repeated, Mr. Sutherland listening with grave attention, which deepened as the recital proceeded, until, at its completion, he could scarcely restrain his enthusiasm; exultation was plainly written on his face, but there was a peculiar gentleness in his manner as he first approached his young client, saying in a low tone, as he cordially grasped his hand,-

“I realize, Mr. Mainwaring, all that this means to you, and I am sure you will understand me when I say that I congratulate you.”

Harold Mainwaring bowed silently, and Mr. Sutherland, turning towards the English barrister, exclaimed, “This explains everything!  This will make our case absolutely incontrovertible; but, first, we must secure that man at all hazards and at any cost just as quickly as possible; think what a witness he will make!”

“Just what I had in mind” was the response, “and McCabe is the man to locate him if he is upon the face of the earth.  But we must decide immediately upon our own course of action, for this will necessitate certain changes in our plans, and we must act at once, and, at the same time, with the utmost caution and secrecy.”

Dinner was ordered and served in the privacy of their own apartments that they might be entirely free from intrusion or interruptions during their deliberations, and it was at a late hour when, their consultation ended, they gathered about the open fire with their cigars, awaiting, with much self-congratulation and cheerful talk, the return of the absent McCabe.

“Confound it!” exclaimed Mr. Barton, presently, glancing at his watch; “what in the deuce is keeping that fellow so late?” If we had not especially wanted him, he would have been here two hours ago.”

“Perhaps,” suggested Mr. Sutherland, “he may have found the coachman more communicative than he anticipated.”

“He has doubtless struck some clue which he is following,” was the reply; but at that instant there was a light tap at the door, and the man generally known as the English barrister’s “clerk” entered.

“Well, Mac,” said Mr. Barton, cheerfully, “‘speak of the devil’ — you know what follows!  What luck to-night?”

“Very fair, sir,” said the man, quietly taking in the situation at a glance, as he noted the eager, expectant faces of the four men, and, dropping into a chair near the group, he instantly assumed an attitude of close attention.

Project Gutenberg
That Mainwaring Affair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.