The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 1.
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The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 1.

“The guide-rope remedies the difficulty in the simplest manner conceivable.  It is merely a very long rope which is suffered to trail from the car, and the effect of which is to prevent the balloon from changing its level in any material degree.  If, for example, there should be a deposition of moisture upon the silk, and the machine begins to descend in consequence, there will be no necessity for discharging ballast to remedy the increase of weight, for it is remedied, or counteracted, in an exactly just proportion, by the deposit on the ground of just so much of the end of the rope as is necessary.  If, on the other hand, any circumstances should cause undue levity, and consequent ascent, this levity is immediately counteracted by the additional weight of rope upraised from the earth.  Thus, the balloon can neither ascend or descend, except within very narrow limits, and its resources, either in gas or ballast, remain comparatively unimpaired.  When passing over an expanse of water, it becomes necessary to employ small kegs of copper or wood, filled with liquid ballast of a lighter nature than water.  These float, and serve all the purposes of a mere rope on land.  Another most important office of the guide-rope, is to point out the direction of the balloon.  The rope drags, either on land or sea, while the balloon is free; the latter, consequently, is always in advance, when any progress whatever is made:  a comparison, therefore, by means of the compass, of the relative positions of the two objects, will always indicate the course.  In the same way, the angle formed by the rope with the vertical axis of the machine, indicates the velocity.  When there is no angle — in other words, when the rope hangs perpendicularly, the whole apparatus is stationary; but the larger the angle, that is to say, the farther the balloon precedes the end of the rope, the greater the velocity; and the converse.

“As the original design was to cross the British Channel, and alight as near Paris as possible, the voyagers had taken the precaution to prepare themselves with passports directed to all parts of the Continent, specifying the nature of the expedition, as in the case of the Nassau voyage, and entitling the adventurers to exemption from the usual formalities of office:  unexpected events, however, rendered these passports superfluous.

“The inflation was commenced very quietly at daybreak, on Saturday morning, the 6th instant, in the Court-Yard of Weal-Vor House, Mr. Osborne’s seat, about a mile from Penstruthal, in North Wales; and at 7 minutes past 11, every thing being ready for departure, the balloon was set free, rising gently but steadily, in a direction nearly South; no use being made, for the first half hour, of either the screw or the rudder.  We proceed now with the journal, as transcribed by Mr. Forsyth from the joint MSS.  Of Mr. Monck Mason, and Mr. Ainsworth.  The body of the journal, as given, is in the hand-writing of Mr. Mason, and a P. S. is appended, each day, by Mr. Ainsworth, who has in preparation, and will shortly give the public a more minute, and no doubt, a thrillingly interesting account of the voyage.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.