Stories by English Authors: London (Selected by Scribners) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about Stories by English Authors.

Stories by English Authors: London (Selected by Scribners) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about Stories by English Authors.

The labourer put them in his pocket, smiled his thanks, and walked some little distance off; and Helen watched him examine his new pipe, and then fill it with tobacco and light it.

Mr. Lindall proposed that they should be getting on their way to Westminster, and they soon found themselves in the abbey.  They sat together in the Poets’ Corner; a smile of quiet happiness broke over the old man’s tired face as he looked around and took in all the solemn beauty and grandeur of the resting-place of the great.

“You know,” he said, half to himself, half to his companion, “I have no belief of any kind, and no hopes and no fears; but all through my life it has been a comfort to me to sit quietly in a church or a cathedral.  The graceful arches, the sun shining through the stained windows, the vaulted roof, the noble columns, have helped me to understand the mystery which all our books of philosophy cannot make clear, though we bend over them year after year, and grow old over them, old in age and in spirit.  Though I myself have never been outwardly a worshipper, I have never sat in a place of worship but that, for the time being, I have felt a better man.  But directly the voice of doctrine or dogma was raised the spell was broken for me, and that which I hoped was being made clear had no further meaning for me.  There was only one voice which ever helped me, the voice of the organ, arousing me, thrilling me, filling me with strange longing, with welcome sadness, with solemn gladness.  I have always thought that music can give an answer when everything else is of no avail.  I do not know what you believe.”

“I am so young to have found out,” she said, almost pleadingly.

“Don’t worry yourself,” he answered, kindly.  “Be brave and strong, and let the rest go.  I should like to live long enough to see what you will make of your life.  I believe you will never be false to yourself or to any one.  That is rare.  I believe you will not let any lower ideal take the place of your high ideal of what is beautiful and noble in art, in life.  I believe that you will never let despair get the upper hand of you.  If it does you may as well die; yes, you may as well.  And I entreat you not to lose your entire faith in humanity.  There is nothing like that for withering up the very core of the heart.  I tell you, humanity and nature have so much in common with each other that if you lose part of your pleasure in the latter; you will see less beauty in the trees, the flowers, and the fields, less grandeur in the mighty mountains and the sea.  The seasons will come and go, and you will scarcely heed their coming and going:  winter will settle over your soul, just as it settled over mine.  And you see what I am.”

They had now passed into the cloisters, and they sat down in one of the recesses of the windows, and looked out upon the rich plot of grass which the cloisters enclose.  There was not a soul there except themselves; the cool and the quiet and the beauty of the spot refreshed these pilgrims, and they rested in calm enjoyment.

Project Gutenberg
Stories by English Authors: London (Selected by Scribners) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.