A Record of Buddhistic kingdoms: being an account by the Chinese monk Fa-hsien of travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about A Record of Buddhistic kingdoms.

A Record of Buddhistic kingdoms: being an account by the Chinese monk Fa-hsien of travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about A Record of Buddhistic kingdoms.
(1) In Singhalese, Sewet; here evidently the capital of Kosala.  It is placed by Cunningham (Archaeological Survey) on the south bank of the Rapti, about fifty-eight miles north of Ayodya or Oude.  There are still the ruins of a great town, the name being Sahet Mahat.  It was in this town, or in its neighbourhood, that Sakyamuni spent many years of his life after he became Buddha.

   (2) There were two Indian kingdoms of this name, a southern and a
   northern.  This was the northern, a part of the present Oudh.

(3) In Singhalese, Pase-nadi, meaning “leader of the victorious army.”  He was one of the earliest converts and chief patrons of Sakyamuni.  Eitel calls him (p. 95) one of the originators of Buddhist idolatory, because of the statue which is mentioned in this chapter.  See Hardy’s M. B., pp. 283, 284, et al.
(4) Explained by “Path of Love,” and “Lord of Life.”  Prajapati was aunt and nurse of Sakyamuni, the first woman admitted to the monkhood, and the first superior of the first Buddhistic convent.  She is yet to become a Buddha.
(5) Sudatta, meaning “almsgiver,” was the original name of Anatha-pindika (or Pindada), a wealthy householder, or Vaisya head, of Sravasti, famous for his liberality (Hardy, Anepidu).  Of his old house, only the well and walls remained at the time of Fa-hien’s visit to Sravasti.
(6) The Angulimalya were a sect or set of Sivaitic fanatics, who made assassination a religious act.  The one of them here mentioned had joined them by the force of circumstances.  Being converted by Buddha, he became a monk; but when it is said in the text that he “got the Tao,” or doctrine, I think that expression implies more than his conversion, and is equivalent to his becoming an Arhat.  His name in Pali is Angulimala.  That he did become an Arhat is clear from his autobiographical poem in the “Songs of the Theras.”
(7) Eitel (p. 37) says:—­“A noted vihara in the suburbs of Sravasti, erected in a park which Anatha-pindika bought of prince Jeta, the son of Prasenajit.  Sakyamuni made this place his favourite residence for many years.  Most of the Sutras (authentic and supposititious) date from this spot.”

   (8) See chapter xvii.

   (9) See chapter xiii.

(10) Arya, meaning “honourable,” “venerable,” is a title given only to those who have mastered the four spiritual truths:—­(1) that “misery” is a necessary condition of all sentient existence; this is duhkha:  (2) that the “accumulation” of misery is caused by the passions; this is samudaya:  (3) that the “extinction” of passion is possible; this is nirodha:  and (4) that the “path” leads to the extinction of passion; which is marga.  According to their attainment of these truths, the Aryas, or followers of Buddha, are distinguished into four classes,—­Srotapannas, Sakridagamins,
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A Record of Buddhistic kingdoms: being an account by the Chinese monk Fa-hsien of travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.