The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 396 pages of information about The Writings of Samuel Adams.

The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 396 pages of information about The Writings of Samuel Adams.
have, is not the Phantome I have pursued.  He who gains the Approbation of the Virtuous Citizens.  I will own, may feel himself happy; but he is in Reality much more so, who knows he deserves it, Such a Man, if he cannot retreat with Splendor, he may with dignity.  I will trust in that all gracious Being, who, in his own good Way, has provided us with Food and Raiment; and having spent the greatest Part of my Life in Publick Cares, like the weary Traveller, fatigud with the Journey of the Day, I can rest with you in a Cottage.  If I live till the Spring, I will take my final Leave of Congress and return to Boston.  I have Reasons to be fixed in this Determination which I will then explain to you.  I grow more domestick as I increase in years.

My worthy Friend Mr Arthur Lee, who just now favord me with a Visit, sends Respects to you and the Family.

I have forgot in my late Letters to tell you, that six Weeks ago, General Ward & my self changd our Lodgings, and are at the House of Mrs Miller.  She is a well bred Woman, and my Situation is agreable.  Colo Palfrey who is with us is appointed Consul, and will soon go to France, when Mr Lovel will take the vacant Chamber. ——­ Adieu my dear.

Your affectionate,


[Ms., Samuel Adams Papers, Lenox Library; the text, with variations, is in J. T. Austin, Life of Elbridge Gerry, vol. i., pp. 359-363.]

Philade Novr 27 1780

Let me intreat you, my dear Sir, not to think me unmindful of the several Favors I have receivd from you since I arrivd in this City.  I hate Protestations among Friends, and the making Apologies is so formal a Business, that I know not in what Manner to begin it.  Yet it seems necessary that I should say something in Excuse for my not having written to you.  Shall I tell you of my trembling Hand, & how unfit an Instrument it is to guide a Pen?  I do assure you that writing is on that Account become painful to me.  I am perswaded you never doubted the Reality of my Friendship for you, and I solemnly affirm it has not abated a single Iota.  Let this suffice on the Score of Apology, and permit me to hope that I shall receive your Letters frequently, while I remain here, which however will be only until next Spring.  I shall then take my final Leave of Congress, & seek that Retirement from publick Cares, which my Country seems to point out for me, & to which my own Inclination leads me.

I perceive it has been in your Option to take a Seat in either House of the General Assembly, or return to Congress.  I cannot say in which of these Departments you will have it in your Power to render the most substantial Service to the Publick.  We feel the Want of you here; and yet I think you have wisely chosen a Seat for the present in the House of Representatives.  Many Virtuous Men there may want that Information which you are able to give them.  Possibly you

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The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.