The Blithedale Romance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about The Blithedale Romance.

The Blithedale Romance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about The Blithedale Romance.

But had the system at which he was so enraged combined almost any amount of human wisdom, spiritual insight, and imaginative beauty, I question whether Hollingsworth’s mind was in a fit condition to receive it.  I began to discern that he had come among us actuated by no real sympathy with our feelings and our hopes, but chiefly because we were estranging ourselves from the world, with which his lonely and exclusive object in life had already put him at odds.  Hollingsworth must have been originally endowed with a great spirit of benevolence, deep enough and warm enough to be the source of as much disinterested good as Providence often allows a human being the privilege of conferring upon his fellows.  This native instinct yet lived within him.  I myself had profited by it, in my necessity.  It was seen, too, in his treatment of Priscilla.  Such casual circumstances as were here involved would quicken his divine power of sympathy, and make him seem, while their influence lasted, the tenderest man and the truest friend on earth.  But by and by you missed the tenderness of yesterday, and grew drearily conscious that Hollingsworth had a closer friend than ever you could be; and this friend was the cold, spectral monster which he had himself conjured up, and on which he was wasting all the warmth of his heart, and of which, at last,—­as these men of a mighty purpose so invariably do,—­ he had grown to be the bond-slave.  It was his philanthropic theory.

This was a result exceedingly sad to contemplate, considering that it had been mainly brought about by the very ardor and exuberance of his philanthropy.  Sad, indeed, but by no means unusual:  he had taught his benevolence to pour its warm tide exclusively through one channel; so that there was nothing to spare for other great manifestations of love to man, nor scarcely for the nutriment of individual attachments, unless they could minister in some way to the terrible egotism which he mistook for an angel of God.  Had Hollingsworth’s education been more enlarged, he might not so inevitably have stumbled into this pitfall.  But this identical pursuit had educated him.  He knew absolutely nothing, except in a single direction, where he had thought so energetically, and felt to such a depth, that no doubt the entire reason and justice of the universe appeared to be concentrated thitherward.

It is my private opinion that, at this period of his life, Hollingsworth was fast going mad; and, as with other crazy people (among whom I include humorists of every degree), it required all the constancy of friendship to restrain his associates from pronouncing him an intolerable bore.  Such prolonged fiddling upon one string—­such multiform presentation of one idea!  His specific object (of which he made the public more than sufficiently aware, through the medium of lectures and pamphlets) was to obtain funds for the construction of an edifice, with a sort of collegiate endowment.  On this foundation

Project Gutenberg
The Blithedale Romance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.