Thais eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about Thais.

Thais eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about Thais.

Paphnutius gazed at her with loving pity.

“Courage, O my sister!  The hour of rest rises for thee, white and pure as the vapours thou seest rise from the gardens and waters.”

They were near the house of Thais, and could see, above the wall, the tops of the sycamore and fir trees, which surrounded the Grotto of Nymphs, tremble in the morning breeze.  In front of them was a public square, deserted, and surrounded with steles and votive statues, and having at each end a semicircular marble seat, supported by figures of monsters.  Thais fell on one of these seats.  Then, looking anxiously at the monk, she asked—­

“What must I do?”

“Thou must,” replied the monk, “follow Him who has come to seek thee.  He will separate thee from this present life, as the vintager gathers the cluster that would have rotted on the tree, and bears it to the wine-press to change it into perfumed wine.  Listen! there is, a dozen hours from Alexandria, towards the west, not far from the sea, a nunnery, the rules of which, a masterpiece of wisdom, deserve to be put in lyric verse and sung to the sound of the theorbo and tambourines.  It may truly be said that the women who are there, submissive to these rules, have their feet upon earth and their faces in heaven.  They desire to be poor, that Jesus may love them, modest, that He may gaze upon them; chaste that He may wed them.  He visits them every day in the guise of a gardener, His feet bare, His beautiful hands open—­even as He showed Himself to Mary at the entrance of the tomb.  I will conduct thee this very day to this nunnery, my Thais, and soon, commingling with these holy women, thou wilt share in their heavenly conversation.  They await thee as a sister.  On the threshold of the convent, their mother, the pious Albina, will give thee the kiss of peace and will say, ’My daughter, thou art welcome!’”

The courtesan uttered a cry of amazement.

“Albina! a daughter of the Caesars!  The great niece of the Emperor Carus!”

“She herself!  Albina, who, born in the purple, has donned the serge, and a daughter of the masters of this world, has risen to the rank of servant of Jesus Christ.  She will be thy mother.”

Thais rose and said—­

“Take me to the house of Albina.”

And Paphnutius, completing his victory—­

“Surely I will conduct thee thither, and there I will place thee in a cell, where thou shalt weep for thy sins.  For it is not fitting that thou shouldst mingle with the daughters of Albina until thou art cleansed from thy sins.  I will seal the door, and there, a happy prisoner, thou wilt wait in tears till Jesus Himself come, as a sign of pardon, to break the seal that I have placed.  And doubt not that He will come, Thais, and how the flesh of thy soul will tremble when thou shalt feel the fingers of Light placed upon thy eyes to dry thy tears!”

Thais said a second time—­

Project Gutenberg
Thais from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.