Something New eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 288 pages of information about Something New.

Something New eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 288 pages of information about Something New.

“I must be deaf.  The only thing I have heard shrieking to me on every side has been Mrs. Bell—­for the week’s rent.”

“Read the papers.  Read the advertisement columns.  I’m sure you will find something sooner or later.  Don’t get into a groove.  Be an adventurer.  Snatch at the next chance, whatever it is.”

Ashe nodded.

“Continue,” he said.  “Proceed.  You are stimulating me.”

“But why should you want a girl like me to stimulate you?  Surely London is enough to do it without my help?  You can always find something new, surely?  Listen, Mr. Marson.  I was thrown on my own resources about five years ago—­never mind how.  Since then I have worked in a shop, done typewriting, been on the stage, had a position as governess, been a lady’s maid—­”

“A what!  A lady’s maid?”

“Why not?  It was all experience; and I can assure you I would much rather be a lady’s maid than a governess.”

“I think I know what you mean.  I was a private tutor once.  I suppose a governess is the female equivalent.  I have often wondered what General Sherman would have said about private tutoring if he expressed himself so breezily about mere war.  Was it fun being a lady’s maid?”

“It was pretty good fun; and it gave me an opportunity of studying the aristocracy in its native haunts, which has made me the Gossip’s established authority on dukes and earls.”

Ashe drew a deep breath—­not a scientific deep breath, but one of admiration.

“You are perfectly splendid!”


“I mean, you have such pluck.”

“Oh, well; I keep on trying.  I’m twenty-three and I haven’t achieved anything much yet; but I certainly don’t feel like sitting back and calling myself a failure.”

Ashe made a grimace.

“All right,” he said.  “I’ve got it.”

“I meant you to,” said Joan placidly.  “I hope I haven’t bored you with my autobiography, Mr. Marson.  I’m not setting myself up as a shining example; but I do like action and hate stagnation.”

“You are absolutely wonderful!” said Ashe.  “You are a human correspondence course in efficiency, one of the ones you see advertised in the back pages of the magazines, beginning, ’Young man, are you earning enough?’ with a picture showing the dead beat gazing wistfully at the boss’ chair.  You would galvanize a jellyfish.”

“If I have really stimulated you-----”

“I think that was another slam,” said Ashe pensively.  “Well, I deserve it.  Yes, you have stimulated me.  I feel like a new man.  It’s queer that you should have come to me right on top of everything else.  I don’t remember when I have felt so restless and discontented as this morning.”

“It’s the Spring.”

“I suppose it is.  I feel like doing something big and adventurous.”

“Well, do it then.  You have a Morning Post on the table.  Have you read it yet?”

Project Gutenberg
Something New from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.