in A harsh voice bid him rise
his prayers and mount A palfrey already standing ready in the
street for him. So he led Regnier—uncertain for the time
whither he was being taken—out of the city, and put him on his
honour to go with him without trying to escape. And together,
without pausing in their journey, the two travelled all the way
to guienne. During this time VEZINS honoured Regnier with very
little conversation; but so far cared for him that food was
prepared for him at the inns by his servants: And so they came
to Quercy and the castle of Regnier. There VEZINS turned to him
and said, “You know how I have for A long time back sought to
avenge myself on you, and how easily I might now have done it to
the full, had I been willing to use this opportunity. But shame
would not suffer it; and besides, your courage seemed worthy to
be set against mine on even terms. Take therefore the life which
you owe to my kindness.” With much more which the curious will
find in the 2nd (Folio) volume of de thou.
his prayers and mount A palfrey already standing ready in the
street for him. So he led Regnier—uncertain for the time
whither he was being taken—out of the city, and put him on his
honour to go with him without trying to escape. And together,
without pausing in their journey, the two travelled all the way
to guienne. During this time VEZINS honoured Regnier with very
little conversation; but so far cared for him that food was
prepared for him at the inns by his servants: And so they came
to Quercy and the castle of Regnier. There VEZINS turned to him
and said, “You know how I have for A long time back sought to
avenge myself on you, and how easily I might now have done it to
the full, had I been willing to use this opportunity. But shame
would not suffer it; and besides, your courage seemed worthy to
be set against mine on even terms. Take therefore the life which
you owe to my kindness.” With much more which the curious will
find in the 2nd (Folio) volume of de thou.