The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 470 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 470 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

A small footpath ran along the margin of the wood, and formed the most direct communication between the pavilion and the mansion house; and, as I cast my eyes to that side, I saw a spark of light, not a quarter of a mile away, and rapidly approaching.  From its uneven course it appeared to be the light of a lantern carried by a person who followed the windings of the path, and was often staggered, and taken aback by the more violent squalls.  I concealed myself once more among the elders, and waited eagerly for the newcomer’s advance.  It proved to be a woman; and, as she passed within half a rod of my ambush, I was able to recognize the features.  The deaf and silent old dame, who had nursed Northmour in his childhood, was his associate in this underhand affair.

I followed her at a little distance, taking advantage of the innumerable heights and hollows, concealed by the darkness, and favored not only by the nurse’s deafness, but by the uproar of the wind and surf.  She entered the pavilion, and, going at once to the upper story, opened and set a light in one of the windows that looked toward the sea.  Immediately afterwards the light at the schooner’s masthead was run down and extinguished.  Its purpose had been attained, and those on board were sure that they were expected.  The old woman resumed her preparations; although the other shutters remained closed, I could see a glimmer going to and fro about the house; and a gush of sparks from one chimney after another soon told me that the fires were being kindled.

Northmour and his guests, I was now persuaded, would come ashore as soon as there was water on the floe.  It was a wild night for boat service; and I felt some alarm mingle with my curiosity as I reflected on the danger of the landing.  My old acquaintance, it was true, was the most eccentric of men; but the present eccentricity was both disquieting and lugubrious to consider.  A variety of feelings thus led me toward the beach, where I lay flat on my face in a hollow within six feet of the track that led to the pavilion.  Thence, I should have the satisfaction of recognizing the arrivals, and, if they should prove to be acquaintances, greeting them as soon as they landed.

Some time before eleven, while the tide was still dangerously low, a boat’s lantern appeared close in shore; and, my attention being thus awakened, I could perceive another still far to seaward, violently tossed, and sometimes hidden by the billows.  The weather, which was getting dirtier as the night went on, and the perilous situation of the yacht upon a lee shore, had probably driven them to attempt a landing at the earliest possible moment.

Project Gutenberg
The Lock and Key Library from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.