Novel Notes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Novel Notes.

Novel Notes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Novel Notes.

Once, just outside our door, I saw him standing in a crowd, watching a performing poodle attached to a hurdy-gurdy.  The poodle stood on his head, and then, with his hind legs in the air, walked round on his front paws.  The people laughed very much, and, when afterwards he came amongst them with his wooden saucer in his mouth, they gave freely.

Our dog came in and immediately commenced to study.  In three days he could stand on his head and walk round on his front legs, and the first evening he did so he made sixpence.  It must have been terribly hard work for him at his age, and subject to rheumatism as he was; but he would do anything for money.  I believe he would have sold himself to the devil for eightpence down.

He knew the value of money.  If you held out to him a penny in one hand and a threepenny-bit in the other, he would snatch at the threepence, and then break his heart because he could not get the penny in as well.  You might safely have left him in the room with a leg of mutton, but it would not have been wise to leave your purse about.

Now and then he spent a little, but not often.  He was desperately fond of sponge-cakes, and occasionally, when he had had a good week, he would indulge himself to the extent of one or two.  But he hated paying for them, and always made a frantic and frequently successful effort to get off with the cake and the penny also.  His plan of operations was simple.  He would walk into the shop with his penny in his mouth, well displayed, and a sweet and lamblike expression in his eyes.  Taking his stand as near to the cakes as he could get, and fixing his eyes affectionately upon them, he would begin to whine, and the shopkeeper, thinking he was dealing with an honest dog, would throw him one.

To get the cake he was obliged, of course, to drop the penny, and then began a struggle between him and the shopkeeper for the possession of the coin.  The man would try to pick it up.  The dog would put his foot upon it, and growl savagely.  If he could finish the cake before the contest was over, he would snap up the penny and bolt.  I have known him to come home gorged with sponge-cakes, the original penny still in his mouth.

So notorious throughout the neighbourhood did this dishonest practice of his become, that, after a time, the majority of the local tradespeople refused to serve him at all.  Only the exceptionally quick and able-bodied would attempt to do business with him.

Then he took his custom further afield, into districts where his reputation had not yet penetrated.  And he would pick out shops kept by nervous females or rheumatic old men.

They say that the love of money is the root of all evil.  It seemed to have robbed him of every shred of principle.

It robbed him of his life in the end, and that came about in this way.  He had been performing one evening in Gadbut’s room, where a few of us were sitting smoking and talking; and young Hollis, being in a generous mood, had thrown him, as he thought, a sixpence.  The dog grabbed it, and retired under the sofa.  This was an odd thing for him to do, and we commented upon it.  Suddenly a thought occurred to Hollis, and he took out his money and began counting it.

Project Gutenberg
Novel Notes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.