Novel Notes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Novel Notes.

Novel Notes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Novel Notes.

“It was an exceptionally deep lock.  The party gathered round and watched the water slowly rising.  The woman looked down, and shuddered; the man was standing by her side.

“‘How deep it is,’ she said.

“‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘it holds thirty feet of water, when full.’

“The water crept up inch by inch.

“‘Why don’t you open the gates, and let it in quickly?’ she asked.

“‘It would not do for it to come in too quickly,’ he explained; ’we shall half fill this lock, and then open the sluices at the other end, and so let the water pass through.’

“The woman looked at the smooth stone walls and at the iron-plated gates.

“‘I wonder what a man would do,’ she said, ’if he fell in, and there was no one near to help him?’

“The man laughed.  ‘I think he would stop there,’ he answered.  ’Come, the others are waiting for us.’

“He lingered a moment to give some final instructions to the workmen.  ‘You can follow on when you’ve made all right,’ he said, ’and get something to eat.  There’s no need for more than one to stop.’  Then they joined the rest of the party, and sauntered on, laughing and talking, to the picnic ground.

“After lunch the party broke up, as is the custom of picnic parties, and wandered away in groups and pairs.  The man, whose duty as host had hitherto occupied all his attention, looked for the woman, but she was gone.

“A friend strolled by, the same that had put the question to him about love and vanity.

“‘Have you quarrelled?’ asked the friend.

“‘No,’ replied the man.

“‘I fancied you had,’ said the other.  ’I met her just now walking with her husband, of all men in the world, and making herself quite agreeable to him.’

“The friend strolled on, and the man sat down on a fallen tree, and lighted a cigar.  He smoked and thought, and the cigar burnt out, but he still sat thinking.

“After a while he heard a faint rustling of the branches behind him, and peering between the interlacing leaves that hid him, saw the crouching figure of the woman creeping through the wood.

“His lips were parted to call her name, when she turned her listening head in his direction, and his eyes fell full upon her face.  Something about it, he could not have told what, struck him dumb, and the woman crept on.

“Gradually the nebulous thoughts floating through his brain began to solidify into a tangible idea, and the man unconsciously started forward.  After walking a few steps he broke into a run, for the idea had grown clearer.  It continued to grow still clearer and clearer, and the man ran faster and faster, until at last he found himself racing madly towards the lock.  As he approached it he looked round for the watchman who ought to have been there, but the man was gone from his post.  He shouted, but if any answer was returned, it was drowned by the roar of the rushing water.

Project Gutenberg
Novel Notes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.