Change-house, public house.
CHEVAUX-de-POSTE, post-horses.
CHIEL, person.
Clachan, village.
CLAMHEWIT, slash, clout.
Claw favour, curry favour.
CLOUR, bump.
COGHLING, blowing.
Com., short for COMITATUS = county.
CONCLAMARE Vasa, to give the signal for baggage, i.e. for packing the baggage.
CONGES, bowing and scraping.
Coronach, lament.
CORRI, hill-side.
Coup, upset.
Coupe-Jarret, cut-throat (literally, leg-chopper).
COUR PLENIERE, full court, state-reception.
COUTEAU de chasse, hunting-knife.
Cow yer cracks, stop your chatter.
Craig, neck.
Creagh, foray, raid.
CUITTLE, fickle.
CURRAGH, boat,
Currant, running.
Cut-lugged, crop-eared.
Dans son tort, in the wrong.
De facto, in actual fact.
De Jure, by legal right.
DEAVING, deafening.
Deliver, active.
DEMELEE, extrication from a hobble.
DEOCH an DORUIS, stirrup-cup.
Dern, dark.
Diaoul, devil.
Diaoul!—CEADE MILLIA MOLLIGHEART, O the devil! a hundred thousand curses.
DINMONTS, year-old wethers.
DISPONE, assign.
Doer, factor, agent.
Doited, witless.
Doon, down.
DORLACH, valise, portmanteau.
DOVERING, half-asleep.
Dow, dove.
DOWFF, dull.
Due DONZELLETTE GARRULE, two garrulous damsels.
Duinhe-wassel, gentleman.
Earn, eagle.
Eld, age.
Elisos oculos, et siccum sanguine guttur, eyes squeezed out of his head, and throat drained of blood.
En attendant, meanwhile.
En mousquetaire, from a soldier’s point of view.
EPULAE ad SENATUM, PRANDIUM Vero ad POPULUM ATTINET, for the senate feasts are befitting, but for the people a simple meal.
EPULAE LAUTIORES, splendid feasts.
Equiponderate, equivalent.
Et SINGULA PRAEDANTUR ANNI, the passing years rob us of every thing we possess, one by one.
Etter-cap, A venomous person.
Evite, evade.
EWEST, nearest.
EXEEMED, exempt.
Faire la CUREE, to give the shin, &c., of a killed stag to the hounds.
Faire la MEILLEURE Chere, to make good cheer.