Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 657 pages of information about Waverley.

Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 657 pages of information about Waverley.

All that has been recorded of excellence and worth in the house of Waverley has been founded upon their loyal faith to the house of Stuart.  From the interpretation which this Scotch magistrate has put upon the letters of my uncle and father, it is plain that I ought to have understood them as marshalling me to the course of my ancestors; and it has been my gross dullness, joined to the obscurity of expression which they adopted for the sake of security, that has confounded my judgement.  Had I yielded to the first generous impulse of indignation when I learned that my honour was practised upon, how different had been my present situation!  I had then been free and in arms, fighting, like my forefathers, for love, for loyalty, and for fame.  And now I am here, netted and in the toils, at the disposal of a suspicious, stern, and cold-hearted man, perhaps to be turned over to the solitude of a dungeon, or the infamy of a public execution.  O Fergus! how true has your prophecy proved; and how speedy, how very speedy, has been its accomplishment!’

While Edward was ruminating on these painful subjects of contemplation, and very naturally, though not quite so justly, bestowing upon the reigning dynasty that blame which was due to chance, or, in part at least, to his own unreflecting conduct, Mr. Morton availed himself of Major Melville’s permission to pay him an early visit.

Waverley’s first impulse was to intimate a desire that he might not be disturbed with questions or conversation; but he suppressed it upon observing the benevolent and reverend appearance of the clergyman who had rescued him from the immediate violence of the villagers.

‘I believe, sir,’ said the unfortunate young man, ’that in any other circumstances I should have had as much gratitude to express to you as the safety of my life may be worth; but such is the present tumult of my mind, and such is my anticipation of what I am yet likely to endure, that I can hardly offer you thanks for your interposition.’

Mr. Morton replied, that, far from making any claim upon his good opinion, his only wish and the sole purpose of his visit was to find out the means of deserving it.  ‘My excellent friend, Major Melville,’ he continued, ’has feelings and duties as a soldier and public functionary, by which I am not fettered; nor can I always coincide in opinions which he forms, perhaps with too little allowance for the imperfections of human nature.  He paused, and then proceeded:  ’I do not intrude myself on your confidence, Mr. Waverley, for the purpose of learning any circumstances, the knowledge of which can be prejudicial either to yourself or to others; but I own my earnest wish is, that you would entrust me with any particulars which could lead to your exculpation.  I can solemnly assure you they will be deposited with a faithful, and, to the extent of his limited powers, a zealous agent.’

’You are, sir, I presume, a Presbyterian clergyman?’—­Mr. Morton bowed.—­’Were I to be guided by the prepossessions of education, I might distrust your friendly professions in my case; but I have observed that similar prejudices are nourished in this country against your professional brethren of the Episcopal persuasion, and I am willing to believe them equally unfounded in both cases.’

Project Gutenberg
Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.