The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The stage manager, who had been watching, on hearing our hurried steps, cried from the landing: 

“Is that you, M. Houdin?”

“Yes, sir—­yes.”

“Raise the curtain!” the same voice shouted.

“Wait, wait, it is imp—­”

My breath would not allow me to finish my objection; I fell on a chair, unable to move.

“Come, M. Houdin,” the manager said, “Do go on the stage, the curtain is up, and the public are so impatient.”

The door at the back of the stage was open, but I could not pass through it; fatigue and emotion nailed me to the spot.  Still, an idea occurred to me, which saved me from the popular wrath.

“Go on to the stage, my boy,” I said to my son, “and prepare all that is wanting for the second-sight trick.”

The public allowed themselves to be disarmed by this youth, whose face inspired a sympathizing interest; and my son, after gravely bowing to the audience, quietly made his slight preparations, that is to say, he carried an ottoman to the front of the stage, and placed on a neighboring table a slate, some chalk, a pack of cards, and a bandage.

This slight delay enabled me to recover my breath and calm my nerves, and I advanced in my turn with an attempt to assume the stereotyped smile, in which I signally failed, as I was so agitated.  The audience at first remained silent, then their faces gradually unwrinkled, and soon, one or two claps having been ventured, they were carried away and peace was made.  I was well rewarded, however, for this terrible ordeal, as my “second-sight” never gained a more brilliant triumph.

An incident greatly enlivened the termination of my performance.

A spectator, who had evidently come on purpose to embarrass us, had tried in vain for some minutes to baffle my son’s clairvoyance, when, turning to me, he said, laying marked stress on his words: 

“As your son is a soothsayer, of course he can guess the number of my stall?”

The importunate spectator doubtless hoped to force us into a confession of our impotence, for he covered his number, and the adjacent seats being occupied, it was apparently impossible to read the numbers.  But I was on my guard against all surprises, and my reply was ready.  Still, in order to profit as much as possible by the situation, I feigned to draw back.

“You know, sir,” I said, feigning an embarrassed air, “that my son is neither sorcerer nor diviner; he reads through my eyes, and hence I have given this experiment the name of second sight.  As I cannot see the number of your stall, and the seats close to you are occupied, my son cannot tell it you.”

“Ah!  I was certain of it,” my persecutor said, in triumph, and turning to his neighbors:  “I told you I would pin him.”

“Oh, sir! you are not generous in your victory,” I said, in my turn, in a tone of mockery.  “Take care; if you pique my son’s vanity too sharply, he may solve your problem, though it is so difficult.”

Project Gutenberg
The Lock and Key Library from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.