The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

A queen of Spain might have carried off any quantity of the diamonds of Brazil.  The presents of diamonds from her almost idiotic lord must have been among the few comforts of her situation in a Court overridden by etiquette.  The reader of Madame d’Aulnoy’s contemporary account of the Court of Spain knows what a dreadful dungeon it was.  Again, if born at Bayonne about 1706, the Count would naturally seem to be about fifty in 1760.  The purity with which he spoke German, and his familiarity with German princely Courts—­where I do not remember that Barry Lyndon ever met him—­are easily accounted for if he had a royal German to his mother.  But, alas! if he was the son of a Hebrew financier, Portuguese or Alsatian (as some said), he was likely, whoever his mother may have been, to know German, and to be fond of precious stones.  That Oriental taste notoriously abides in the hearts of the Chosen People.[1]

[1] Voyage en Angleterre, 1770.

     “Nay, nefer shague your gory locks at me,
      Dou canst not say I did it,”

quotes Pinto, the hero of Thackeray’s Notch on the Axe.  “He pronounced it, by the way, I DIT it, by which I know that Pinto was a German,” says Thackeray.  I make little doubt but that Saint-Germain, too, was a German, whether by the mother’s side, and of princely blood, or quite the reverse.

Grosley mixes Saint-Germain up with a lady as mysterious as himself, who also lived in Holland, on wealth of an unknown source, and Grosley inclines to think that the Count found his way into a French prison, where he was treated with extraordinary respect.

Von Gleichen, on the other hand, shows the Count making love to a daughter of Madame Lambert, and lodging in the house of the mother.  Here Von Gleichen met the man of mystery and became rather intimate with him.  Von Gleichen deemed him very much older than he looked, but did not believe in his elixir.

In any case, he was not a cardsharper, a swindler, a professional medium, or a spy.  He passed many evenings almost alone with Louis XV., who, where men were concerned, liked them to be of good family (about ladies he was much less exclusive).  The Count had a grand manner; he treated some great personages in a cavalier way, as if he were at least their equal.  On the whole, if not really the son of a princess, he probably persuaded Louis XV. that he did come of that blue blood, and the King would have every access to authentic information.  Horace Walpole’s reasons for thinking Saint-Germain “not a gentleman” scarcely seem convincing.

Project Gutenberg
The Lock and Key Library from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.