The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

[1] One of these gives Madame de Vieux-Maison as the author of a roman a clef, Secret Memoirs of the Court of Persia, which contains an early reference to the Man in the Iron Mask (died 1703).  The letter-writer avers that D’Argenson, the famous minister of Louis XV., said that the Man in the Iron Mask was really a person fort peu de chose, ‘of very little account,’ and that the Regent d’Orleans was of the same opinion.  This corroborates my theory, that the Mask was merely the valet of a Huguenot conspirator, Roux de Marsilly, captured in England, and imprisoned because he was supposed to know some terrible secret—­which he knew nothing about.  See The Valet’s Tragedy, Longmans, 1903.

Crawford published the manuscript of Madame du Hausset, which he was given by de Meilhan, and the memoirs are thus from an authentic source.  The author says that Louis XV. was always kind to her, but spoke little to her, whereas Madame de Pompadour remarked, “The King and I trust you so much that we treat you like a cat or a dog, and talk freely before you.”

As to Saint-Germain, Madame du Hausset writes:  “A man who was as amazing as a witch came often to see Madame de Pompadour.  This was the Comte de Saint-Germain, who wished to make people believe that he had lived for several centuries.  One day Madame said to him, while at her toilet, “What sort of man was Francis I., a king whom I could have loved?” “A good sort of fellow,” said Saint-Germain; “too fiery—­I could have given him a useful piece of advice, but he would not have listened.”  He then described, in very general terms, the beauty of Mary Stuart and La Reine Margot.  “You seem to have seen them all,” said Madame de Pompadour, laughing.  “Sometimes,” said Saint-Germain, “I amuse myself, not by making people believe, but by letting them believe, that I have lived from time immemorial.”  “But you do not tell us your age, and you give yourself out as very old.  Madame de Gergy, who was wife of the French ambassador at Venice fifty years ago, I think, says that she knew you there, and that you are not changed in the least.”  “It is true, Madame, that I knew Madame de Gergy long ago.”  “But according to her story you must now be over a century old.”  “It may be so, but I admit that even more possibly the respected lady is in her dotage.”

At this time Saint-Germain, says Madame du Hausset, looked about fifty, was neither thin nor stout, seemed clever, and dressed simply, as a rule, but in good taste.  Say that the date was 1760, Saint-Germain looked fifty; but he had looked the same age, according to Madame de Gergy, at Venice, fifty years earlier, in 1710.  We see how pleasantly he left Madame de Pompadour in doubt on that point.

Project Gutenberg
The Lock and Key Library from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.