The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The congregation crowded around the pastor with congratulations.  Particularly demonstrative were the ebullitions of two or three brothers who saw a chance of exchanging sundry unsalable possessions for slices in the inheritance.

Mr. Sapp reached New York City in the evening, and the momentous interview was to take place at an early hour the next day.  Sleep came in brief and fitful snatches.  But the stars roll on in their majestic spheres, regardless of mortal hopes and fears.  At length day broke, when the preacher rose from bed anxious and unrefreshed.  A little before the appointed time he proceeded to a certain building, and having mounted two flights of stairs, saw the magic number on the door in front of him.  As the clock struck he entered.  Agreeably to a preconcerted plan, he wiped the right corner of his mouth with a white handkerchief, and nodded three times.  The only person in the room, a well-dressed and apparently affable gentleman, responded by wiping the left corner of his mouth with a red silk handkerchief, and nodding three times.  The signal is correctly answered:  it is he!  So far all works beautifully, with every promise kept.  The bill was a perfect imitation, the engraver is on hand to a second.

             “Two truths are told,
     As happy prologues to the swelling act
     Of the imperial theme.”

The fellow passing under the name of Ragem & Co. welcomed the new arrival cordially.  “Ah,” said he “your promptness and circumspection show that I am not disappointed in my man.  I see that you come up to the full measure of my expectations.  Do you know I am a remarkable judge of character?  In fact, I seldom or never make a mistake.  We are both in luck.”

“I was trained to punctuality from early youth,” replied the preacher; and proceeding directly to business, without further circumlocution, continued, “I succeeded in raising five hundred dollars, which entitles me under the agreement to twenty-five thousand.”

From an inner pocket, after removing a number of pins, he produced six one hundred dollar notes, saying, by way of explanation, “For greater security I converted my funds into bills of large denomination.  One I reserve for contingencies; the other five are for you.”

“Your money is here in the safe,” said Ragem, taking the five notes, and turning toward the safe as if to unlock it.  But the scoundrel evidently reasoned that it would be silly to remain content with the five when he could just as easily capture the sixth.

Walking back, he remarked, “I want to show you that my large bills are just as perfect as the small ones”; and, as if for purposes of comparison, he took the remaining note from the hand of the clergyman.

At this moment began a fearful knocking on a side door, that threatened the speedy demolition of the frail barrier.  “Run, run,” whispered Ragem, as if in the extremity of terror, “the police are on us.”

Project Gutenberg
The Lock and Key Library from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.